Bytemoth's (Astoundingly Effervescent) Brook

945 updates
0 tips
bytemoth 2 months ago

bytemoth jumpscare

hello! you have my Neocities button on your 88x31 page (; could you please use it to link back to my site? it's linkware. :)
bytemoth 11 months ago

sure thing, link will be added on the next site update

1 like
september 11 months ago

thank you! ♥

bytemoth 1 year ago

working on some Computer Shit but it's taking longer than expected (aka I keep getting lost in YouTube rabbitholes instead) so here's a mothzone update with fresh hot spam email

bytemoth 1 year ago

7th-anniversary HTML5-removing layout update

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As of 2023-05-06 Neocities has hidden ALL follower notifications, erasing at least 54 pages of activity from my profile.
bytemoth 1 year ago

Before this I followed-back almost everyone, but if you're number 233+, I am no longer being made aware of your presence. This also zaps my ability to deal with no-notice sitename changes, so if your link on GetPages breaks, IDFC.

dann 1 year ago

This was a much better fix than updates not showing in the global activity or the disorganized top follower listing

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bytemoth 1 year ago

I wouldn't mind at all if the /follows and /followers pages could be sorted chronologically, but at this point it feels like things are being removed for purely aesthetic reasons.

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dann 1 year ago

At least in your own profile so you can follow back. Seems counterproductive to squash the social aspect when it's one of the main draws here.

lhfm 1 year ago

This seems like some kind of glitch, posts aren't deleting at all

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bytemoth 1 year ago

I'm down another 3 pages, so it looks like deletion is working again.

joppiesaus 1 year ago

Excuse me, what the FRICK!!!

nullkid 1 year ago

aged like milk

bytemoth 1 year ago

Did it? Being able to see new follows from one month is better than zero, but it still leaves out what happened during the other 83.

nullkid 1 year ago

no i'm talking about the decision neocities made, you're completely right

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMay 13, 2016
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personal blog computers