Arkm's World

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Thank you for the follow :)
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You need to move the > after the first a to be after the last " in both your links.
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It should look like this ->
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owlcyclops 2 years ago

Thank you for your time and help despite my website still being a pain in the but with one error.

1 like
You have 3 sets of " in your link. I don't know what the words "my Pillowfort" are for. (Is that supposed to be the link?). No closing angle bracket for the first part of the anchor tag. And then the actual link of "pillowfort" between two opening p tags. That's why you can't write below the word Pillowfort. EDIT: Also, your body opening/closing tags are reversed. Gotta watch for that. :)
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arkmsworld 2 years ago

Just a marker stele in the lower caves for internet archaeologists to find in 100 years. :)

wrongwithfreesw 2 years ago

itll be easier to find if its a yellow marker... (now they can find really dumb jokes here too)

1 like
arkmsworld 2 years ago

And now they can, as I have just waybacked this page. :) Y'all Gen Z types probably already know this band, but I just found them today while wandering around Youtube. Man, these kids really sooouuund! :D
Let's all love some Lain Friday music. :) I didn't realize for a long time that the girl singing is the daughter of Paul Rodgers (the singer for Bad Company). But you can hear it in the way her voice lilts and rolls. His son is the guy with the goatee playing guitar. :)
Henry Weinhard's Root Beer is one I came across here in San Diego that's quite good. Has a very smooth, but complex and well blended taste. :)
alfstapedeck 2 years ago

I'm gonna keep my eyes out for it! Hopefully I can find it somewhere locally! thank you for the recommendation :D

arkmsworld 2 years ago

No prob. If A&W is a 3 on the scale (which I'd agree with), H.W. is a solid 4 - although maybe higher as I haven't tried nearly as many brands of rootbeer as you have. It's not as carbonated as A&W, so it doesn't feel as "thick"...and doesn't explode as readily when you open it. :)

arkmsworld 2 years ago

I used to love birch beer as well. Gotta look around and see what's available in this town.

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Last updated 7 hours ago
CreatedJul 26, 2014
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