Thank you for your time and help despite my website still being a pain in the but with one error.
Just a marker stele in the lower caves for internet archaeologists to find in 100 years. :)
itll be easier to find if its a yellow marker... (now they can find really dumb jokes here too)
I'm gonna keep my eyes out for it! Hopefully I can find it somewhere locally! thank you for the recommendation :D
No prob. If A&W is a 3 on the scale (which I'd agree with), H.W. is a solid 4 - although maybe higher as I haven't tried nearly as many brands of rootbeer as you have. It's not as carbonated as A&W, so it doesn't feel as "thick"...and doesn't explode as readily when you open it. :)
I used to love birch beer as well. Gotta look around and see what's available in this town.