Vampire's Nest

2,004 updates
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lupinus 5 hours ago

New invasive plant watchlist is up! It's a short list for now but I'll be adding to it when I get time :)

You site is so lush and full of character, I love it. Your OCs are really cool, too. I wanted to add your link to my link box, but the code in your link's textarea has a slight error - in the image url the image's name is "vampiresnest" instead of "vampiresnestbutton"!
lupinus 4 hours ago

thanks for pointing that out!! looks like i used the old image name for the button in there :'D

Vampire's Nest was updated.
2 days ago
lupinus 2 days ago

New plant rants are up on the Ecology page! I'm..... very wordy when the hyperfixation gets its grip on me. apologies <3

1 like
lupinus 2 weeks ago

working on these background oc profiles has been so much fun. i even made pinterest boards for them (the little images on each character's cards lead back to them). I still have a good few ocs left to put in here but I haven't drawn a headshot for all of them yet x-x

added a couple short comics to the bottom of the gallery page; until i decide to reinstate the comics tab they'll probably just stay there in scrollable form :)

Website Stats

Last updated 3 hours ago
CreatedAug 26, 2023
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goth punk queer ocs vampires