Neon rust n' alien dust!

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Part of me finds kinda funny how I somehow managed to make friends among so many different people :’] I didn’t expect that to be this way, but it’s quite sweet it went that way
ninacti0n 2 hours ago

Part of me still kind of feels like a misfit, but I guess that's the beauty of finding your place ^^

Hoping the last days of ArtFight go well- currently going through moving, so my life is kind of chaotic rn. Hopefully I’ll get to the mark of 12 attacks I wanted.
This page has the vibes of old arcades- I like the colors! ^^
i was browsing neocities for inspo on redoing my own site and this is so pretty! i love the colors and art a lot!
ninacti0n 2 weeks ago

Aww, that's super sweet of you! I'm still regaining my energy juices to update it more often, so this means a heckin' ton! I also wish you the best of luck with all the coding work!

voidbrood 1 week ago

same and agreed, this is such a gorgeous website!

1 like
ninacti0n 4 days ago

Thank you so much!! ^^ Happy you think so!

Guys, I can safely say I've had a nice idea for the future... the graphics page will undergo an overhaul, and it shall have the structure of a drawer full of cabinet thingies, each with different types of graphics. I might even merge the adopts with it.
ninacti0n 3 weeks ago

I've been also browsing Gifcities and some of Melonland's sites, and found some superb GIFs I could use ^^ Credit will be given in the future

replying to ur rainworld thing.....please don't do the ascension run for artie it is one of the most painful things u can do in the game
ninacti0n 4 weeks ago

Oh, I don't intend on doing it... I mainly just wanted the thing of beating the King Scavenger. I'm currently on cycle 4 at the exterior, making my way to Pebbles

After ArtFight, I'll be slowly but surely adding some new things... from the quiz things I was working on to a new about and et cetera! Each thing in its own time ^^
your site is GORGEOUS!!! i love your colors, especially with how you use a warm-ish yellow tint even on cold colors :]]
ninacti0n 1 month ago

Ayy, thanks! Glad you like the colors <3 I’m still daydreaming about the things I wish to set up :’]

Lil’ thing that I’ll do ArtFight this year- only 12 attacks, but yeah. I’m in for some fun ^^
tetrisk-lair 1 month ago

i'll kick ur ass again

luchovolke 1 month ago

oh yeeaaahh \o/

1 like
Hey everyone... coding the site went on standby for a bit, I've been feeling really tired and unmotivated. No window on when I'll resume working on it, but it shouldn't take a long time. Just need a while to recover some of my energy.
gildedware 1 month ago

Take your time!!

onemillionfurries 1 month ago

take all the time you need! you have no obligation to update your site at all times. its yours and yours alone

ninacti0n 1 month ago

Thank you both :’1 I personally would get a bit worried, since the website is technically part of a passion project of mine, and I kept on pushing myself to not let it die out of inactivity. But I guess I can slow things down and try my best to find the balance.


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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art portfolio comic artist worldbuilding