Neon rust n' alien dust!

3,535 updates
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I can say I'm working on a bunch of cool things in the background... also after I realized some pages would be easy to set up too. Some new stuff is being done
jiobutler 2 days ago

I can't wait to see some more updates!

ninacti0n 2 days ago

@jiobutler Yayy! I can definitely say they'll be some fun additions to the site!

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I also wanted to ask you all... how many of you use PayPal and how many use Stripe? I'm wanting to see which one will be better for me to focus on
transferns 1 week ago

i use paypal personally

ninacti0n 1 week ago

@transferns Noted!

falsfiction 1 week ago

PayPal. I'm not a fan of either, but Stripe kept acting like I'm a business with someone dedicated to handling financials. I lost patience with it.

ninacti0n 1 week ago

@falsfiction Oh, I see... I found that weird too, but I just approached it like an independent art business lol, so I guess it kinda worked? I'm still gonna see how to use it.

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koyo 1 week ago

no experience with stripe, i use paypal, has been smooth sailing so far; although i have not heard the same thing from everybody. my only complaint is that everybody you make a transaction with will see your full legal name, unlike cashapp

snewberry 1 week ago

i use stripe bc im australian and the conversion fee on paypal is bonkers

ninacti0n 1 week ago

@koyo I would use Cashapp if it wasn't an US-only thing. I'm in Brazil, so yeah. At this point tho, I don't mind using either PayPal or Stripe, as long as it goes well.

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ninacti0n 1 week ago

@snewberry I gotcha! And yeah, one of my friends was looking for an alternative because of that :']

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asuune 1 week ago

I use both but Paypal takes a chunk of money, which I don't like, so I'm trying to use Stripe whenever I can.

niicespiice 1 week ago

neither but i also don't buy that many things

robonerd 1 week ago

i use money to pay for things

Hello! I'm passing by to say I have a Ko-Fi page ^^ Realized I never really mentioned it haha- it's my little tip jar and place for anyone who's been liking the development of the site so far.
ninacti0n 1 week ago

The site has pretty much become my main time investment by now, and I've been mainly making art for it too, so I figured making the Ko-Fi would be a good idea.

Guys, I'm looking for some fun quizzes to add to my quiz collection ^^ Hopefully ones that have smaller quiz results too, so I can balance the big and small ones in the grid
ninacti0n 1 week ago

If you guys know of some fun ones, send em as replies to this thread ^^

phantasmablahh 1 week ago

I only know about the cheese and care bear quiz :V I also need to collect quizzes :O

ninacti0n 1 week ago

@phantasmablahh Oh, I saw these! ^^ I'm not sure if the care bear one is the same one we're thinking about, but ye! I'm collecting some cause quizzes are a fun thing to go after

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saltedslug 1 week ago

oh i have so many dawg. here's some of my favorites:

ninacti0n 1 week ago

AYY! Thank you all for the recommendations and help x] Will be checking them out!

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phantasmablahh 6 days ago

Oops I forgot to respond! Not sure if you got the quiz already but here you go~ (also I messed up the first time I posted)

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I guess I'm currently on a bit of a break... I had to step away from some things due to my mental health - wasn't feeling like drawing or doing anything, so I'm just doing simple doodles and slowly getting back into some coding. I'm just trying to balance things a bit better
ninacti0n 1 week ago

I've been getting into some other things again, like writing and making music, so who knows...

I recently took a break from coding to make a bunch of flipnotes and enjoy my DSi ^^ I modded it yesterday. I do hope to get back to working on my About soon... it's turning out real nice
Eu AMEI seu site, muito lindo!! Parabéns :)
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ninacti0n 2 weeks ago

Aeee, muito obrigada!! Fico muito feliz que você gostou ^^ Estive me divertindo muito adicionando coisas novas, então pode esperar mais!

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ninacti0n 2 weeks ago

New blog post out! The CSS in the page is still fairly simplistic, but I like it ^^ I'm feeling like adding a tiny pagedoll to the bottom of the screen

jiobutler 2 weeks ago

First time discovering Kid Pix. I want this program so baad!

ninacti0n 2 weeks ago

@jiobutler I feel you should look into it- it's great! People tend to recommend either the Deluxe 3 or Deluxe 4 versions (the latter is the one I use!). You can also find the first Kid Pix online by looking up JS Kid Pix ^^

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robophobia 2 weeks ago

I can hear the opening song from the version of Kid Pix I had as a kid play in my mind lol

ninacti0n 2 weeks ago

@robophobia Oh yeah! Kid Pix has such an iconic opening- I sadly only grew with MS Paint, but discovering it as an adult brought me more whimsy than I could've expected x] I love the silly sounds the brushes and buttons make! And the textures are just so much fun-

saltedslug 2 weeks ago

kid pix 4 is the SHIT! played it all the time in my 4th grade typing class lol

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ninacti0n 2 weeks ago

@saltedslug Heck yeah! Part of me is a lil' sad I didn't get the chance to witness it as a youngster, but better late than never x]

Dang, writing blog posts is hard :'] I'm trying to write one on a topic I've been thinking about for a while, but I don't like to think I may end up rambling haha. It's hard to find a balance imo
pickeraparter 2 weeks ago

Ramble as much as you can, then pick the blog post out of it :)

ninacti0n 2 weeks ago

@pickeraparter This is a good tip, actually... I wrote a bunch, and then I just narrowed down what I wanted to keep ^^

Thinking about Picayune Dreams and Ultrakill recently... I've been seeing some of my friends play the latter, and the former just got a new update recently- I wanna draw stuff, but I'm already designing my Inscryption OCs, nuuu-
ninacti0n 3 weeks ago

Picayune Dreams is just very surreal, so I would love to make something out of my comfort zone... and for the other case, I just like V1 lol. His design is cool :P Even if the game isn't really my cup of tea from what I've seen, I can say it has a very unique style and chaotic gameplay, and I can respect that ^^


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CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art artist portfolio worldbuilding comic