PayPal. I'm not a fan of either, but Stripe kept acting like I'm a business with someone dedicated to handling financials. I lost patience with it.
@falsfiction Oh, I see... I found that weird too, but I just approached it like an independent art business lol, so I guess it kinda worked? I'm still gonna see how to use it.
no experience with stripe, i use paypal, has been smooth sailing so far; although i have not heard the same thing from everybody. my only complaint is that everybody you make a transaction with will see your full legal name, unlike cashapp
@koyo I would use Cashapp if it wasn't an US-only thing. I'm in Brazil, so yeah. At this point tho, I don't mind using either PayPal or Stripe, as long as it goes well.
@snewberry I gotcha! And yeah, one of my friends was looking for an alternative because of that :']
I use both but Paypal takes a chunk of money, which I don't like, so I'm trying to use Stripe whenever I can.
The site has pretty much become my main time investment by now, and I've been mainly making art for it too, so I figured making the Ko-Fi would be a good idea.
I only know about the cheese and care bear quiz :V I also need to collect quizzes :O
@phantasmablahh Oh, I saw these! ^^ I'm not sure if the care bear one is the same one we're thinking about, but ye! I'm collecting some cause quizzes are a fun thing to go after
i have a bunch of quizzes linked here: !!
AYY! Thank you all for the recommendations and help x] Will be checking them out!
Oops I forgot to respond! Not sure if you got the quiz already but here you go~ (also I messed up the first time I posted)
I've been getting into some other things again, like writing and making music, so who knows...
Aeee, muito obrigada!! Fico muito feliz que você gostou ^^ Estive me divertindo muito adicionando coisas novas, então pode esperar mais!
New blog post out! The CSS in the page is still fairly simplistic, but I like it ^^ I'm feeling like adding a tiny pagedoll to the bottom of the screen
@jiobutler I feel you should look into it- it's great! People tend to recommend either the Deluxe 3 or Deluxe 4 versions (the latter is the one I use!). You can also find the first Kid Pix online by looking up JS Kid Pix ^^
I can hear the opening song from the version of Kid Pix I had as a kid play in my mind lol
@robophobia Oh yeah! Kid Pix has such an iconic opening- I sadly only grew with MS Paint, but discovering it as an adult brought me more whimsy than I could've expected x] I love the silly sounds the brushes and buttons make! And the textures are just so much fun-
kid pix 4 is the SHIT! played it all the time in my 4th grade typing class lol
@saltedslug Heck yeah! Part of me is a lil' sad I didn't get the chance to witness it as a youngster, but better late than never x]
@pickeraparter This is a good tip, actually... I wrote a bunch, and then I just narrowed down what I wanted to keep ^^
Picayune Dreams is just very surreal, so I would love to make something out of my comfort zone... and for the other case, I just like V1 lol. His design is cool :P Even if the game isn't really my cup of tea from what I've seen, I can say it has a very unique style and chaotic gameplay, and I can respect that ^^
I can't wait to see some more updates!
@jiobutler Yayy! I can definitely say they'll be some fun additions to the site!