4,020 updates
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I just wanted to stop by and say I love your website so much! I ended up in a ygo waybackmachine rabbit hole because of the links on your site and I couldn't be happier. Thank you!
1 like
whimwitch 6 months ago

Thank you!! 💙 I had a lot of fun finding a lot of old websites I remembered. So happy to share them with others ^^

WHIMWITCH was updated.
6 months ago
WHIMWITCH was updated.
7 months ago
Woohoo!!! Learned how to deploy to neocities!! Still can't figure out how to use a SSG, but at least having fics deployed from VSC will make life so much easier...
WHIMWITCH was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
WHIMWITCH was updated.
1 year ago
Boy do I hate fighting with grid...but I think I got my index more functional now. It's still unhappy on mobile, but that's something for me to fuck with another day
satyrwoud 1 year ago

CSS Grid is the type of thing i have to look up every time, it's like how it takes three tries to plug in a USB stick

WHIMWITCH was updated.
1 year ago
WHIMWITCH was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
WHIMWITCH was updated.
1 year ago
whimwitch 1 year ago

Whew what an update! I redid some of the coding on my journal here and got the RSS set up from my blog so I don't have to manually code each and every entry. I also added a review from my blog here to preserve my craziness in more than one place.

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedSep 19, 2020
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anime writing shrine yugioh fanfiction