and furthermore...

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quick reminder that i'm currently moving to!!! no this page will not shut down but i will not update new stuff onto it either, sorry ): see you there!
cmsvgp 1 month ago

i really enjoyed reading your poems, especially "self-sssessment" - it made me want to fill out the form, as a self-conscious citizen.

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ceterumcenseo 2 weeks ago

OH MY! thank you so much for the kind comment!!! i'm very very glad that you like it <33 sorry for radio silence haha - life's been a little busy (:

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I loved ‘They Were Forgiven Once’, your way of writing the disaster is eerie and I felt really immersed into the story. The characters were also very well portrayed. Thanks for posting it!
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ceterumcenseo 2 months ago

Hi - thank you so much for that comment, it made my day <3

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okay friends! the move had officially begun - lots of poetry can already be seen at octagon( but we're still settling in 😎 you WILL recognise many of the designs or colour schemes bc i'm lazy! and sometimes i do have something good and don't want to change it LOL XD
hello everybody, i've got huge news: i made another website:! i love ceterumcenseo dearly, but it's my first coding project and it shows... with octagon, i'm trying to build an archive of just my work, nothing more. it's supposed to be a responsive, clean website that implements all the things i didn't know when i started neocities back in 2022 (obviously! i was a complete newbie!!!) (1/2)
ceterumcenseo 3 months ago

just noticed that it cut off: thank you to all my friends who have encouraged me through all the years, i love you and your beautiful websites <3 don't worry! ceterumcenseo won't go offline, i am simply moving my archives from the training ground to the real world 😎 i'll see you at octagon <3

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedApr 18, 2022
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theatre mathmatics biology chemistry poetry