
793 updates
0 tips
I miss my Neocities community, life has just been, know. I hope to get back in it soon, got a few ideas planned, hope to get back to posting some more art. Love you all <3.
divergentrays 2 months ago

It's so good to see you popping in again!

enflicted was updated.
4 months ago
divergentrays 4 months ago

Hey, so cool to see you pop in!

1 like
enflicted 4 months ago

Haha, yea it's been awhile! So good to see you, always a pleasure!

enflicted was updated.
5 months ago
pip-pepping 5 months ago

Feeling you on the back thing. I think around a year ago I slept in bed weird and now my left shoulder has been slightly in pain since then. Hope that clears up or has been cleared up for you though :x

1 like
enflicted 5 months ago

@pip it's awful right? Still pretty sore though, hoping in the next day or so i'll be good to go. So sorry to hear about your back thought, a dang year!

1 like
enflicted was updated.
6 months ago
enflicted 6 months ago

Love you all <3

vencake 6 months ago

Your conclusion is a very good one; IRL is much more fulfilling and I'm glad you're having a great time offline. I'm also glad you're keeping your site up!

pip-pepping 6 months ago

Continue living it up out there!

enflicted 6 months ago

@vencake, thank you, appreciate you, and love ya! And yes, I'll be keeping my site up, don't see a need to remove myself completely. @pip I appreciate you, and love ya as well, I will continue living it up, it's been great so far!

enflicted was updated.
7 months ago
Dang, I haven't updated in 3 weeks? I'm still here, just still on a digital detox. Trying to fill my time with other things, hope everyone's doing good. Much love. \m/
I'll be taking a sort of 'digital detox' for a few, i feel my past few updates are getting more hostile, and I need to break free for a bit. Much love everyone <3
enflicted was updated.
8 months ago
divergentrays 8 months ago

Dude, sucks to hear about the car. Good luck on your search for a replacement! I hear you on this mad slide straight from Halloween into Christmas. There are people around my neighborhood who have already decorated for Christmas. It's crazy!

paintkiller 8 months ago

Oh dude, so feel you on the loss of an important vehicle, sorry to hear about that. And more or less right there with ya on everything else - just letting ya know, validation and all that.

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enflicted 8 months ago

@divergentrays, @paintkiller. I appreciate you both. Reading through my craziness can't be easy, or even stomach most of it. I usually read back my post's after I've sobered up, almost like a cleanse.

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enflicted 8 months ago

I do apologize if some of the things I say seem really harsh, or completely random. It's been good for me to get some of my rage out, and later read it, as if i'm a different person the next day

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arkmsworld 8 months ago

I am also Gen X and I don't like any of those things either. And it IS a good thing to feel the rage and then get it out of your system so you can turn your attention to things you DO like. KnowwhatImean, Vern?

1 like
enflicted 8 months ago

@arkmsworld absolutely. I've never really 'blogged' before, mainly because i'm just 'that generation' that doesn't feel the need to share everything. I will admit though, expressing my distaste for certain things is definitely therapeutic. Glad I'm not the only one!

So posted an update stating this site is safe to use, but microsoft Defender keeps blocking it. I'd highly recommend staying away, all links redirect outside of neocities. Their privacy policy is also a red flag. They WILL use your information for third parties, they WILL use third party advertising. They WILL keep your information on backup if you decide to delete it.
enflicted 9 months ago

We don't need this kinda crap on neocities, I came here to get away from the main-stream social media dammit.

paintkiller 9 months ago

ANything even remotely looking like FB made me trashcan that mess. Once I read the TOS and Privacy Policy and shit, I knew I made the right decision.

The link I posted yesterday; pulls up a 404 now, seems, the site has been renamed to, be safe everyone, this sort of feels like a data harvester.

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedNov 19, 2021
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randomness personal retro art digitalart