Historical Games

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clubnintendoarchives 1 year ago

It's great to be able to play these old games in one form or another even today!

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love this site, one of the best on neocities and a testament to what the "hidden" web can really be, kudos!
I was delighted to see this. With a different focus, I've posted a bunch of historical games here too, including a link to your site! Great work
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historicalgames 2 years ago

That's fascinating! It looks like you're into the history of role-playing games. I've heard that the origins of role-playing games were war games with miniatures from the late 19th century, but it looks like you have some older materials.

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wobbupalooza 2 years ago

I don't know if this is the right way to comment on your comment, but sort of! Modern tabletop RPGs definitely come from miniatures games, but "Let's Pretend" RPGs are ancient--like, Herodotus mentions one--and collaborative storytelling is old too. That said, H.G. Wells believed miniatures games were ancient too, using the 18th C. novel Tristram Shandy as an example and his experience making them up as another

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedAug 3, 2016
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history cards parties board games