Arkm's World

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That's some cool jams. :)
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robophobia 1 year ago

Yoo thank you so much!

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Arkm's World was updated.
1 year ago
saint-images 1 year ago

Hell yeah, Islanders blinkie! I'm stealing this one

arkmsworld 1 year ago

LOL, glad you like it. I think they've always been my favorite hockey team. Just always loved that tough New York vibe, I guess. :)

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Because Sunday night is the perfect time for a sword duel by the fire... :)
Wishing you a very happy 2023. :)
electropsyoptica 1 year ago

thank you! same to you :)

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Happy New Year, Bill. :)
thisisbillgates 1 year ago

i'm the original  bill

billsworld 1 year ago

Happy New Year

OMG, I didn't realize you had so many buttons! And cool ones I haven't seen elsewhere! Are they free for the taking? BSG, B5, Farrell's, Buck Rogers, NASA are some of the ones I have my eye on.
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arkmsworld 1 year ago

Sure, feel free to take whatcha like. A lot of the blinkies and buttons I've found in various places around the Web. I've also made a bunch of 'em too, like the Battlestar Galactica, NASA and Farrell's buttons. :) Well met and Merry Christmas.

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arkmsworld 1 year ago

*Most* of the stuff I've made is here at this link. Some of the really simple ones I made are not included here but are on the Patternwalker page you were looking at.

chipsfunfun 1 year ago

arkm im taking all of ur buttons now /hj

Oh, and with CSS, you will find that things sometimes inexplicably affect other things, perhaps because of the time of day, phase of the moon, the price of cheese in Amsterdam, or the airspeed of an unladen swallow. You will understand the mystical constructs in time. No worries.
You're at the beginning of the journey. This is the fun part, learning how to code. :)
For any Browncoats out there....
melonking 1 year ago

I first stumbled on FF while surfing free satellite TV after my dad put a dish in our field, my first thought was "OH this is one of those sci-fi shows with like 5 billion episodes!" I was wrong :(

arkmsworld 1 year ago

I know. :( Me and my gf at the time found out about it at Dragoncon in 2007. So we Netflixxed the dvd's to see what all the fuss was about. 20 minutes in, we were hooked.

tinypaws 1 year ago

oh shiny! - someone my brother worked with told him about FF and ended up getting us hooked on it. what a gem!

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CreatedJul 26, 2014
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