Whaat? You don't even have mustache and you already code like this? Congratulations!
I don't know why you have school in August (have they abolished summer holidays?) but good luck!
LOL. Seriously, music piracy is so easy these days that it might as well not be against the law to do so because its fucking hard as hell to get caught.
lmao exactly, and internet archive literally has TONS of albums you can torrent
Most of our followers in eastern-Europe pirate exclusively :shrug:. Music really isn't a business anymore, it's a service. Money is still made on selling physical merchandise, but streaming/Spotify are more about advertising and brand recognition. In our experience.
Responded to your response to my response (that which followed some previous responses from you and I both).
It may run a simplified version of Python, like so: https://micropython.org/. If it's fast enough to write graphical games with, in a similar vein to the NES emulators for graphing calculators released years ago, that'd be neat.
Oh shoot sry when I redesigned I completely forgot about webrings. Lemme add them again
family guy