Arkm's World

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hi there! thank you so much for following me, i hope you enjoy my website! ^^ your page is so awesome!! seriously so creative, i love the story~ i still need to explore it more thoroughly, but i'm excited about it! it's awesome so far! ♥
arkmsworld 7 years ago

Hey, I like your site too. It makes me happy. :) Thank you for the kind words. I started it a few years back as a way to experiment with the HTML/CSS/JS I had just been learning. Figured I'd make it kind of like an old Zork game so people could have a large area to just walk around in and explore. (I always loved the text adventure games I played growing up). I'm happy you dig it. :)

arkmsworld 7 years ago

Some of the images you can click on and they link to somewhere or reveal something. Almost all words and letters that are differently colored from the others do something. The mouse hnd will appear over things that do things. :)

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teddybear-halo 7 years ago

hi again! thank you for the helpful hints--i've been working through your site (and there is A LOT of content!! WOW!! so awesome!! ♥w♥ ) and i think i'm maybe 3/4 of the way through it?? i'm so inspired! thank you for creating this magical journey, i grew up just after the whole text adventure thing so it's neat to get to experience it. :)

teddybear-halo 7 years ago

but...if it's not too much to ask, can i have some kind of hint on what the password is for the cyclops that gaurds the door in the bar--the one you can get to thru the secret door from the library?? XD

arkmsworld 7 years ago

I took the cyclops thing from Homer's Odyssey. HINT: Do you remember the scene with the fox on the sheepdog guarding the bridge in Labyrinth?

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arkmsworld 7 years ago

And thank you for adventuring through my world. <3 It also happens to be my dreamhouse in my dream location - the place I would create to live if I knew how. :)

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arkmsworld 7 years ago

I realized the hint might not necessarily be a "hint". Okay. Hint: He won't just let ANYONE in, ya know.

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arkmsworld 7 years ago

So now I'm watching a let's play of American McGee's Alice because of you. I'd never heard of it before. It's quite cool. I love the art design and I'm pretty sure I recognize the voice actors....

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teddybear-halo 7 years ago

OH!! Yes, i love Labyrinth, fantastic movie!! (also sorry for late response, just got back from a trip where i had no internet) i will attempt to find the cyclops again very soon, and i'll see if i can remember the answer to the riddle~ :)

teddybear-halo 7 years ago

that's so great you're enjoying Mcgee's Alice!! it's a great time to give it a look, with the rumors of a new game in the works and all~ :') unfortunately i don't know too much about the voice actors, but i think the guy who plays the cheshire cat is pretty famous? the voice acting all around is pretty great~ and of course, beautiful beautiful art! ♥

arkmsworld 7 years ago

Oh, that's where you went! I feared perhaps that something dark and terrible had pulled you through the computer screen into another plane. But of course that's silly. It isn't even Halloween yet. :) I hope you had a fun trip and am happy you're back. Someplace without internet sounds nice. I wouldn't mind a few days camping out somewhere quiet under the stars.

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arkmsworld 7 years ago

Yes, I'm still enjoying the Alice let's play. It'll be interesting to see what they do with a sequel. Is it the same company making it? I'll have to look and see....

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arkmsworld 7 years ago

If you haven't found it yet, there is also a smaller underground area - dozen rooms or so - if you go through the faerie ring. And there is an octopus Garden you can "dive" to from the lagoon.

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arkmsworld 7 years ago

A hole seems to have appeared in one of the hedges of the garden. I thought it would be fun if it led somewhere.

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teddybear-halo 7 years ago

oh, so nice of you to link to my Alice shrine!! i gasped out loud when i found it, hehe~ i'm so touched, thank you for including me on your adventure! ♥ :')

arkmsworld 7 years ago

Oh good, you dig it! Thank YOU for letting me include you in my world....Alice. ;) (And, fwiw, I think 9 year old you would piss herself over your cool website :) ) <3

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teddybear-halo 7 years ago

yes, it's fantastic! *w* aww, that's so nice, thank you~! it's getting there, but i still think there is a lot left for me to learn... XD i still have many new pages in mind that i want to make! ♪

arkmsworld 7 years ago

Oh, yeah. I started off with some basic ideas of what I wanted the site to look like and a couple of months of doing HTML5/CSS tutorials. Put the first 5-6 pages up a little over 3 years ago. I've learned ALOT along the way, and experimented with all kinds of page layouts, css animations and tricks, javascript routines, etc. It's a fun journey. I think you'll really enjoy playing with web coding if you stick with it.

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arkmsworld 7 years ago

And the ideas you have; they tend to have friends and relatives hanging around. So every time you think you're done with the site, several of the little buggers will pop up out of nowhere and say "Me too, me too! Put us in there!" LOL. Good times! :) I'm totally interested to see what kinds of things you come up with to do with your site.

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arkmsworld 7 years ago

I still run into html tags and such I've never heard of. And I know a fair amount of Javascript, but I need to dive back into it soon. The learning is really neverending.

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