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...i'm so sorry. deaths can take their toll on the living, but he's gone to a good place now. *internet hug*
@preresent thx so much i just wish i got one last chance to see him
Really sorry to hear this :(
@cepheus thx for all the support its been especially tough on my dad because he visited him last month trying to help him.
i'm really sorry to hear that, sending you virtual hugs u.u
@rebthejuvey thanks so much the last time i saw him was 2 months ago. I really just wish I could have seen him in person again
Very sorry to hear that. I hope you're okay.
@jello-net thx for all the support. im doing fine but its been hard.
I'm so sorry :(
I'm sorry. That must be rough...May he rest in peace and may you find comfort in his memory.
Sorry to hear that!! Hope that everything is gonna be fine!!
Aw man hope he gets to rest in peace, sending condolences to you and your family
I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself and your family.
im so sorry about this. i hope you're doing alright <3
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family will be ok. sending you love and strength <3
everyone thx so much he meant a lot to me and this support really helps me
sorry to hear this.. my condolences to you and your family. Just remember he will always live on with in with the memories you have and with the love in your heart.