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surenaga 3 years ago

It's an extension of unitedstatesian soft power.

Hey, just wanted to stop by and say I really like your site! Your latest blog is so damn true about the implications behind 'content creators'.
thefurnace 3 years ago

Absolutely agree with the strangeness of the word 'content'. Filling or stuffing or anything of the sort is for sure a lot livelier

nykanen 3 years ago

I wonder if the problem with praise has to do with not having an official system of hierarchy. You know, the scientists have their sources, and if you have sited your sources and they are good, then it's fine. But an artist does not have anyone they can point to that "makes it ok" to come up with something. It is the artist's responsibility, fully. Almost no one in the intellectual space has this sort of burden.

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murid 3 years ago

I don't know the cause honestly. I never sat down and tried to dissect it. Sometimes I think it's because being self critical is a very important aspect of learning visual art, you're so used to looking for the bad things that when someone points out something good it catches you off guard.

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murid 3 years ago

Artists do have hierarchies (established artists, cool kids, etc.) and trends that they can "cite", but you are right about the execution of anything being solely the artists responsibility.

bikobatanari 3 years ago

I think the reason why praise is so hard to take for artists is because of the gap between intentions and results. Only the artist knows what they intended to create, but their audience doesn't, so an objectively good result may be considered terrible from the artist's standpoint if it didn't come out the way they wanted it to. That's how I see it, at least.

as many others have already said, your work is rad as fuck
Wonderful artwork. I've always been attracted to black and white art, and your pieces are truly splendid.
holeinmyheart 3 years ago

I feel you on the Other Lives post.

murid 3 years ago

That was a honestly a vent post. But yeah, modern surveilance capitalism really sucks.

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