wass good

6,438 updates
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wass good was updated.
7 months ago
wass good was updated.
7 months ago
wass good was updated.
7 months ago
just finished my rewatch of slayers. it was really good !! really stupid most of the time but that's kind of the point !! Rezo was a stupid villian and the first half of the second arc was boring as hell... but my nostaliga is not tarnished! Solid 7 (im gonna flesh this out more in a actual blog post but i have to leave so imma post it here for later)
wass good was updated.
7 months ago
1 like
wass good was updated.
8 months ago
Hey Yudosai!! Thank you for the follow 🥰💖
wass good was updated.
8 months ago
wass good was updated.
8 months ago
suddenly self concious about the way my site looks again. do you guys like the direction it's going? i really tried to keep it responsive and minimal without looking like a bootstrap page. in the process of making it more modular with the specific blog pages
1 like
arkmsworld 8 months ago

Yeah, that's pretty neat.

1 like
scarbyte 8 months ago

I think it looks good, if theres anything id change it would be the high contrast yellow color

1 like
yudosai 8 months ago

@scarbyte thanks for that! I toned it down on the about page.

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedDec 3, 2015
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