auberylis [dot] moe

17,435 updates
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Happy birthday me! Not sure which locale will it show to you, but it's 8th. Glad to see the script on my aboutme autoupdating accordingly without my invervention.
astrossoundhell 3 weeks ago

If you want to make this girl happy for her birthday go listen to her latest album btw []. i don't even say buy, just go listen, cause it's fun!

encounters-ltd 3 weeks ago

happy b-day aubery

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jade-everstone 3 weeks ago

Happy birthday! 🎉

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kkbkkb 3 weeks ago


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flowerinbinary 3 weeks ago

happy birthdayyy!! :3

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astrossoundhell 3 weeks ago

Added a bunch of tracks to the player and made it work in calm mode (finally!), added some newer photos where i'm about 20% cooler, rewrote the bio to be 1500 characters shorter AND more readable, changed the pronouns order since i got chiller with people she'ing me

astrossoundhell 3 weeks ago

for some reason my github repo autopush crapped itself and i had to manually upload all this new stuff, though. anyone else using git autodeploy experienced a similar thing? if not, i may as well have to write a local script to fucking Do it Without relying on Github

Awesome website <3
xjunko 2 weeks ago

<3 thanks! yours are cool too!!

seriously considering nekoweb at this point. the lack of reaction from KD is suspicious and unnerving
astrossoundhell 1 month ago

one thing i dislike about nekoweb is the lack of commenting etc - it's one big RSS dump instead. I see the appeal, but also i kinda like the idea of being able to leave little comments on people's pages and maybe replying to friends' updates.

foureleven 1 month ago

Dimden literally uses AI for his site.

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gremlin 1 month ago

@foureleven has nekoweb implemented AI into it's editor twice and still has remains of it?

gremlin 1 month ago

from what I can tell the problem with AI on neocities is far worse then using AI in vscode.

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astrossoundhell 4 weeks ago

@foureleven it's not a question of whether people use LLMs to make an engine run, which sux in my eyes too, but many do right now, and if the technology was near-harmless power wise, i wouldn't care *too* much. It's a question of pushing using AI on *us*, not clarifying their stance on scraping *our* art and thoughts and such to train one - something i would be massively against.

astrossoundhell 1 month ago

remade the intro text a little bit because the site totally does not have a blog yet. also put a little reminder of the site's AI stance at the page footer, now that the petition MOTD is gone.

badgraph1csghost 1 month ago

i like the fact you used The Slogan :3

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astrossoundhell 1 month ago

New ALICE version. It's still explosive, but this one should be a bit better, + it has a thing somewhat resembling a user manual now

astrossoundhell 1 month ago

Major overhaul of some background structures - hopefully the site loads a bit faster and more reliably now. Don't forget to force-refresh (shift+refresh button click) to get all the new stuff, otherwise the website may Explode

astrossoundhell 1 month ago

The visible result is some styling became a bit better and the sitemap is a bit closer to the actual win98 explorer in full mode, and is stripped down to bare html in calm mode.

astrossoundhell 1 month ago

Although i have tags everywhere set up to drop the cache each 3600 minutes, you probably wanna force-refresh anyways, esp if you visited my site within the last couple days

astrossoundhell 1 month ago

anti-ai petition call hidden into comments since the petition is now closed. also added dark palette co calm mode - autopicked if your browser's theme is set to dark

Last day to sign the anti-ai petition and at least try to pass on the idea that we don't want anything to do with it on neocities to the website maintainer. Go here and do it:
Nice page! Bzzt is trippy @.O

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedMay 12, 2017
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