wass good

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to the person that commented on my site a few days ago, thanks. Sometimes I feel like i'm typing into a void on here. If i accentally deleted your comment, I'm sorry.
yudosai 3 weeks ago

it was futen! Thanks for reading futen.

wass good was updated.
1 month ago
yudosai 1 month ago

having an existential crisis while writing the frieren debreif is not what i thought I'd be doing at 3AM on a sunday

yudosai 1 month ago

this is the first time in a long time i actually felt sad that a show was over. I don't wanna say I watched it passively, I sort of watched it without really thinking about how long it was going to be, but now that it's over i miss the sense of childlike wonder i got from it.

wass good was updated.
1 month ago
1 like
yudosai 1 month ago

"My mom had one growing up, but since lost it. She's not a gamer. I am. That's where we differ. I'M the gamer. ME. I was OBSESSED with this system. I was WEIRD about it."

just finished an osamu tezuka one shot
yudosai 1 month ago

man what a read! the review is almost done and will go up tomorrow

wass good was updated.
1 month ago
hiya, thanks for following! A mechanical keyboard sounds very steampunk.

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CreatedDec 3, 2015
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