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this is so lovely!!! :O
saint-images 9 months ago

ლ(╹◡╹ლ) Thanks!!

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22yk01 9 months ago

i love the stone walls... snail

vinizinho 9 months ago

beautiful photowork as always!! i can't shake the feeling that some of these photos could easily have been taken in my neighborhood in brazil lol. I particularly like the old residential building: truly impressive that it has survived all this time! and moreover that it still can function as a home. from the photo, it really does seem like it has seen some shit. absolutely love it

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saint-images 9 months ago

Thank you Vini!!! I suppose it's the industrial photos and the brown-ish gray apartment block that remind you of home.

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saint-images 9 months ago

Unrelated, but mere seconds after writing this reply I discovered that a drum and bass cover of Brasileirinho exists.

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vinizinho 9 months ago

it's such a gem!!! I find drum and bass extremely relaxing, it's one of my go-to genres when I need to chill, and I loved this particular rendition of the song. it will def go into one of my playlists!!

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saint-images 9 months ago

posting random songs instead of actual updates ✍(◔◡◔); got some stuff cooking though!

mr-pibbs-site 9 months ago

i am similarly brewing and stewing on things...

22yk01 10 months ago

I love the pictures so much, they emanate warmth and peace

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volk 10 months ago

Классные фотки )

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saint-images 10 months ago

пасиба ))

displayman 10 months ago

The building of fifth picture is so cool!

saint-images 10 months ago

just a tiny update to the "A picture in an elevator" ✪ ω ✪

arkmsworld 10 months ago

That's a really Star Trek looking down arrow.

bmh 10 months ago

"My Tram Is Worth 900000 Trollar's! Know Your Place..." love it :D

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brennholz 10 months ago

Love how warm and colorful the lights are in those night shots, makes Kaliningrad seem real homey

xxhalfemptyxx 10 months ago

the color is just

Cool page, love the photos, I am trying to do some myself with an old digital camera :)
saint-images 10 months ago

Thanks for your kind words! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ Loving your website as well, the photos you've already shared look great, especially jvn004. Bonus points fo making your website in your native language!!!

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brennholz 11 months ago

You're welcome! I hope you get along with your new milk. I don't. I have a bad relationship with the milk in my house. There's three opened packs in my fridge, the oldest of which has been sitting there for at least a year. I'm scared of my milk.

brennholz 11 months ago

Off topic, but how tf is Trompeten-Muckl #2 in your on repeat playlist? What sort of life do you lead if this is the appropriate semi-constant background music? Do you listen to it in your car, barreling down decrepid russian highways? Do you listen to it in your cubicle at work, looking out the window at the grey skies? Do you not go mad? rinky-dink beer tent beats in your ears, smile on your face? Who are you??

saint-images 11 months ago

I woke up at 4 am so I am not yet able to come up with a proper insight into my Deutsche Biergarten Isekai habits, but simply put, this is a song from "Nu, Pogodi" (, 7:30), a Soviet cartoon I grew up with, and I happen to Like the song.

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brennholz 11 months ago

Fair enough lol. And sorry if that comment sounded mean, I was in a very weird mood yesterday.

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saint-images 11 months ago

Nah it's ok lol, I see why you might have considered it to be something not ordinary.

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