hello purveyors of heaven

7,036 updates
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ophanimkei 1 week ago

Archived random story I wrote when I was 14

ophanimkei 1 week ago

+ Yaoi, library, and watching updates :P Did more than I anticipated..

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bohiebear 1 week ago

I really like Love Plan too! The author has another story Dawn of the Dragon thats 75 chapters and completed

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ophanimkei 1 week ago

Thank you! I would've completely missed this. I often forget to check author's catalogues. I'm going to read it!!

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ophanimkei 2 weeks ago

I have a stomach virus and I feel terrible so questions are appreciated!

It's interesting that you're fixated on South Dakota. I also am fixated on a place in South Dakota- the Badlands National Park. May we both go to that state someday!
I'm also hopiing to finish up my Japan recounting this week. It's taking a long time.. It's actually very difficult to sum of three weeks of activities and include pictures of everything you loved.. I'll probably forget lots, but I will try my best.
ophanimkei 1 month ago

This redirects to my FC2 blog fyi (which you may remember if you are a very old follower though all the old entries are archived). It takes 7 seconds because if I make it take 5 seconds, the thumbnail is my fc2 blog which feels dishonest

ophanimkei 1 month ago

Answer to this question also provides context for slow art and lack of updates. The Disability is Worsening!

strawberry-gashes 1 month ago

i'm so sorry about the worsening condition. being disabled in the us is such a struggle. i think your take on it is really positive though! i hope it doesn't sound weird to say it inspired me and made me feel Better about less output re: my disabilities as well ;w;

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Your website is delightful. Your aesthetic choices are really pleasing to me. I am also an Alice in Wonderland fan (I recently reread it!), and I was so excited to see that you're a lolita! I hope you update your website for a long time :)

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJun 19, 2020
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