πŸ§ƒπŸ§ΈπŸŽˆπŸŒž Vivarism πŸŒžπŸ§ΈπŸŽˆπŸ§ƒ

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vivarism 2 weeks ago here we are... another new day another flonne diary...

pomelo 2 weeks ago

rip computer ;_; its not out of the realm of possibility that the computer got bopped around in the move and unstuck the thermal paste off the cpu. hopefully you can fix it soon!

cloverbell 2 weeks ago

Reading about your history with the Story of Seasons games was so heartwarming! I think I picked up a story of seasons game in an eshop sale (one of the more recent ones.. I was excited that one of the bachelorettes is vietnamese) but I have a habit of abandoning farming games LOL. I’ll have to pick it back up! And I’ve been listening to Dusk to Dawn too, it’s especially pleasant on walks ^^

hardmachine 2 weeks ago

I follow one site that's php (on another host) but the Neocities mirror of the front page auto-updates when it does. (Also WTF!! Hope the fan gets fixed..)

sephiria 2 weeks ago

so glad to catch an update from you!! missed you a lot and always love reading your entries!

cabbagesorter 2 weeks ago

Ah I'm so happy you're working hard on your site and enjoying php!!!

sussuri 1 month ago

glad to hear you finally have your computer back!! i love these desks, i was looking for one myself... they always make me think about 00s computer setups.

vivarism 1 month ago

i hope you can find one you like sussuri!! the shelf space is a game changer :+D here's an easy link for my diary entry and a clickbait title...? how about VIVARISM GRAND RETURN!

mochagatari 1 month ago

nice to see you back, and great new setup!! :D man, I can totally feel you on the refreshing feeling of "I live here! I get my own space!" - I've been feeling that a lot since I moved to my new place too. I'm glad everything arrived safely!

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daughterofbilitis 1 month ago

Oh, that explanation of mental events being like weather was really interesting! Lovely desk setup and hope you have fun decorating the rest of the house!

pomelo 1 month ago

Two Of Him o_o

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snowibunni 4 weeks ago

Your desk is super cute all decorated and guarded by two Sans. Ahhh, Bart though!! Make sure he keeps you well hydrated this summer, it's been sooo hot lately β™‘

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strawberryreverie 4 weeks ago

welcome back flonne and congrats on your puter making it safe and sound!! i can't wait to see what you do with your room, it's already off to a great start! bart β™₯ and i hope you will give yourself the patience and grace you deserve. i'm sorry june has been so hard, but i think anyone would have a tough adjustment period after uprooting like you did!

strawberryreverie 4 weeks ago

that feeling of your safety being lost is growing pains. it's scary when you try new things!! but afterwards, you realize hey, that wasn't so bad. or if it was difficult, you have the experience to handle it better next time. sometimes we need the rug pulled out from under us in order to move forward, as terrifying as it is. just know we're all rooting for you and support you β™₯

aboyandhiscomputer 4 weeks ago

I really like your Computer setup <3 and i agree June was wait until it gets better type feeling :( But hey July is gonna get better I Hope lmao

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vivarism 4 weeks ago

@gatari, tysm!! i'm glad your move went smoothly, too. here's to new beginnings for both of us, yeah? @celeste, im glad my weather metaphor made sense to someone else lolol. let's both pay more attention to the clouds passing through ☁︎ @pom ... TWO!!!

vivarism 4 weeks ago

@bree, trust me, me and bart are an inseparable pair. you cant rly see it in the photo but he has yellow horn things that are good to chew. @arachne, youre so right about growing pains. whatever hardship im enduring is just exp points that will help me on my next adventure and, in my new home, i'm certain i'll have tons more. thank you for coming along for the ride β™‘!!!

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vivarism 4 weeks ago

@johnny, yes, we'll definitely have lots more happy moments in July. thank you for your optimism!

Hello! I really loved reading your resource page for ficto relationships. I'm going to try to use some of them. I linked you on my site! 😊
vivarism 1 month ago

Hi Emmy!!! I haven't got the chance to read your site yet, but I'm so excited to see another yumejo in town!!! Thanks for linking me :+D If you have any resource suggestions lmk, I'll add them! Lastly, here's a warm welcome from me and Sans to Mr & Mrs Zenigata <333

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vivarism 1 month ago

hi! today's clickbait title: is 'brave' a feeling or a character trait?

ninjaweb 1 month ago

"Someday, surely, I'll recognise my humanity." - important words. Thank you for sharing a part of your day, and wishing you the best for the near future ! Proud of you.

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cloverbell 1 month ago

good job confronting your fears, Flonne! I’m proud of you! A really good cafe that you can walk to and from will give you a lot of opportunities to practice, too.. not to mention a delicious incentive. β€œDo it scared” is a good sentiment, I’ll remember it… whenever I’m scared but have to push through I’m comforted when I repeat the words β€œfuck it we ball” lol

sussuri 1 month ago

Really proud of you for going out more, Flonne! I love the June's layout, the blue is so calming...

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strawberryreverie 1 month ago

i love the new blog look for june!! it's like i'm gently being caressed by the tide at sea to my ankles and the gentle breeze that accompanies it at the same time. i'm really proud of you for pushing yourself as far as you have and sans is too!! do it scared is a good motto, that's how we grow and begin to see that hey, this isn't so scary after all. i hope you're enjoying all that delicious food. β™₯

cloveratelier 1 month ago

congrats on the steps you've made towards overcoming your phobias, flonne! im glad that you got to have a tasty treat as a good reward for it also

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angeleyesprings 1 month ago

I'm so proud of you for going outside! The blueness of the sky, the breeze, the sun, the firm earth, take all of it in! You are human, and we're all connected by land and sea. Deep blues really signify the depth of change and nature, don't they? I hope you can enjoy the mountains and beach maybe one day, Sans will be with you!

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vivarism 1 month ago

ahh gosh you're all so kind to me, thank you;; your encouragement lifts my spirits and makes me want to try a little harder. i'm glad that this month's layout gives everyone the cerulean summer vibes i was hoping to convey! && lune i LOVE "fuck it we ball," remind me to show you the sans version

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hardmachine 1 month ago

It's also useful to think of "bravery" as like a muscle- If you keep using it, it'll get easier. I carry one of my Ivy keychains with me on a carabiner now to make going out less boring...

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hardmachine 1 month ago

Good luck having time away from your PC for awhile! It can be a good soft reset on your brain.

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vivarism 1 month ago

Update pushed from the NC editor on my freaking phone... ;;__+;; LOL. Thank you to everyone who replied to my prev update too, i wrote a whole response but like a clown forgot to hit post 🀑 & ty capy! Taking a break from Big Screen to be with Little Screen heh

strawberryreverie 1 month ago

oh man it's so hard to be without a computer!! but i hope your transition to your new home will be filled with new experiences and the beginning of a new era!! we'll see you soon!

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jeith 1 month ago

good luck with everything - we'll miss your updates while you're gone! wishing you the best on ur computer-free journey :P

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angeleyesprings 1 month ago

Being without a computer is really annoying, but enjoy the break! It's good to take internet breaks... I think it should be a very normal thing

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vivarism 1 month ago

Thank you everyone!!! This period isn't quite the digital detox you may be picturing, more like rattling the cage that keeps me from my beloved web design..... So I really will need "luck" to get thru this heh. Still, it's been nice to get out and Do Moving Things, & I'll keep up with everyone's updates even when I'm trapped on mobile!!

cloverbell 1 month ago

good luck with your move Flonne! ^o^ I sent you an email about iphone icon customization which could be fun to do while you’re away from your computer. if your switch isn’t packed away yet we could also play ACNH together like we planned on a couple months ago lol!

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vivarism 1 month ago

Lune!! I loved your Flonnecore Finds, thank you πŸ₯Ί you'll be the first to see my phone after I cuten it up! And my switch is unfortunately packed away too;; Hopefully we can still play further into the summer!

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vivarism 2 months ago

my last diary entries for may (probably). they're so normal, i can't think of a clickbait title...

snowibunni 2 months ago

I know the clickbait: "science cannot explain this simple trick to softer hair. click to find out." I exclusively use mint soaps, relatable vibes. I use ACV on my hair and it does make it softer for me too. Think of it this way, when you're back with a comfy desktop, you'll have a lot to post about with art you made, fic recs, have tons to say about books you read.

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snowibunni 2 months ago

Right? Maybe... I hope you can at least do a little June work from the laptop though. I love your diaries ;;

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cabbagesorter 2 months ago

im the complete opposite, i need my pc to do anything productive and its impossible for me to write anything on phone lmao.. im so happy you found a good space for yourself to socialize in and i hope the feeling of guilt for dipping in and out will slowly wane with time. i think it's pretty normal to pop in and out of convos, especially in group settings.

cabbagesorter 2 months ago

i do understand the guilt though, i tend to do the same with 1 on 1 conversations...

cloveratelier 2 months ago

best of luck with the moving mish! i remember how much of a hassle it was when I moved houses having to pack up all my stuff and be hobby-less for a while due to setup :^( i hope you can push forward with the socialising, too! it can be pretty difficult to get back into the swing of, but it's nothing to be ashamed of if you can only do it in set bursts~

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beetleclub 2 months ago

aw, i'll miss seeing you for a while. but i get it, moving is such a difficult time in which you have to decide what and when to pack things up - not to mention the stress of it all, and the blank period where... you can't really do much. but i do hope the upcoming time will do you well! <3

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sussuri 2 months ago

i always wanted to try apple cider vinegar rinse... i even have housemade one (making it is fun endeavor and i want to try it myself, my mom did last year) as i heard it would help with some issues i have

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sussuri 2 months ago

being without computer is daunting, i myself i feel unproductive if i don't have access to mine. i only can stand not having computer around if i get occupied with one of my hobbies again. i can't wait until you'll be back with so much to show and tell!!

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strawberryreverie 2 months ago

the accidental confession!! way too cute

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vivarism 2 months ago

It wouldn't exist without your input!!! You gave me a vision that I had to make reality κ’°βœ©β€™Ο‰`ΰ«’βœ©κ’±

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thank u for ur advice about the relative links youre really cool -.-
vivarism 2 months ago

Youre welcome!!! :+D I'm happy to help

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vivarism 2 months ago

ok the method i discovered for pruning the update previews is... an inexact science, to say the least. i will keep trying!!! in the meantime, here's a new diary entry too

vivarism 2 months ago

aaaand i fucked it all up lol. ok the other new page is for my sans collection

hardmachine 2 months ago

Oh wow, I didn't know Undertale had that much official merch... The Sans cookie cutter is amazing.

vivarism 2 months ago

There's so much, and yet somehow it's still not enough...!! I feel so greedy heh. Full disclosure, the cookie cutter is unofficial dropship garbage, but if it means I can *literally* devour him then I simply cannot say no

strawberryreverie 2 months ago

your collection page was SO much fun to look through!! same as capy, i had no idea undertale had that much merch, and some japanese merch too!! and i finally have your opinion on sans nendo, the inaction figure is definitely way cuter!! i hope your collection grows even more β™₯ oh and sorry about the spider!! that was me saying hi

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strawberryreverie 2 months ago

and as for your friends, i think they will always be ready to welcome you back with open arms, when you're ready. it's not neglect, sometimes we just struggle to balance things or we focus on different relationships for a little while. it's normal, and you don't have to feel guilty about it, nor SHOULD you feel guilty about it. just enjoy the moment and savor those little pieces of happiness as much as you can

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mochagatari 2 months ago

I always read your blogs/diary entries and end up thinking "wow, I relate to that so hard..." :'D I hope that isn't weird to say? but I really get you about feeling guilty and anxious over your relationships and the ones you gravitate to, very much so.. being happy is so scary, sometimes :'D but yknow, I've learned good friends will wait for you no longer how long your absence, so it should be ok ;v;

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mochagatari 2 months ago

either way, I hope your good mood continues to stick around, regardless of what happens ;v; I know we haven't been talking that long and I'm just a rando on the internet, but I've been enjoying getting to know you!

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snowibunni 2 months ago

I'm proud of you for writing what you wanted to express fully to feel more honest and yourself β™‘ Your words are very relatable to me when it comes to social things. People can be understanding if you tell them how you're thinking. I don't believe friends online would hold this against you. I know I wouldn't. I hope your move to somewhere else goes well and smoothly when the time comes.

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vivarism 2 months ago

ahh gosh, you're all so sweet to me (*/Ο‰οΌΌ*) thank you everyone for your heartfelt responses. to gatari, it's totally ok to relate heh, that's the other reason why i want to be honest: so people like me won't feel alone! to arachne, i'll surely savour every happy moment <3 && to bree, let's both bravely speak our minds!!!

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vivarism 2 months ago (οΏ£yβ–½,οΏ£)β•­ goki-chan has a blog now

pomelo 2 months ago

i wish i could click "like" 5000 times ;_;

vivarism 2 months ago

i think i found out how to game the update preview system! (1) upload all your new/updated pages. (2) delete whichever page is shown 1st/in the spotlight. whatever page was 2nd will move up to take its place. (3) reupload the page you just deleted. HOPEFULLY it will reappear further down the list of previews, rather than reclaiming 1st place. (4) repeat as needed until the page you want to showcase is front & center!

vivarism 2 months ago

the remaining 4999 were sent straight to my heart!! ily poom <33

pomelo 2 months ago

:') ily2 floone

snowibunni 2 months ago

aaah the tumblr mimic page is sooo cute and really captures that vibe perfect. I'm so impressed. Especially the ask box link is such a neat attention to detail. I adore seeing tumblr nostalgia and homage so much β™‘

angeleyesprings 2 months ago

I wanna see the Sans doll! these pages are awesome

loves1ck 2 months ago

goki-chan's blog is too cute!!! i love this so much T_Tβ™₯

strawberryreverie 2 months ago

finally, we can see goki's inner thoughts!! i love the blog so much, the layout is gorgeous and such a throwback to tumblr. i see you found a place for the tall sans blinkie heh

hardmachine 2 months ago

The faux-Tumblr is amazing!!

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vivarism 2 months ago

Thank you everyone for tuning in!! (Β΄βˆ€ο½€*) My ~coding journey~ started on Tumblr so this page is extra special to me. Goki would be so happy to know you all took a peek too;; Seriously thank you all for indulging me even this much heheh

nenrikido 2 months ago

i would follow her on tumblr...

cloveratelier 2 months ago

Goki's blog is so cute!! I love the way you've gone about imitating the mid-late 2010s tumblr blog style for this part of your site, I can't wait to see what else Goki has to share with us <3

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pastelhell 2 months ago

This is amazing! I wish I could reblog all of Goki's posts.

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beetleclub 2 months ago


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mochagatari 2 months ago

ahh I'm late commenting here but gosh goki's blog is super adorable ;v; I love all your yume stuff, it's all so fun!!

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cloverbell 2 months ago

if gokiburi-chan has one fan it’s me if gokiburi-chan has 0 fans I have passed away (the anonymous sans comment in the comment box is soo cute lol!)


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CreatedOct 27, 2022
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