thanks to the generous advice of some fellow webmasters, i am now able to transfer essays at speeds hitherto unimaginable. Behold: the entire RAINICHI 2023 series (so far) in all its glory!!
of course i begin the long, laborious task of transferring my essays with the two most formatting-heavy essays i've ever composed
how are your essays formatted originally? there may be an easier way than reformatting by hand
immediately after posting this, i looked into it and found a conversion tool online that should remove ~90% of the fuss. unfortunately it's a web app, which i generally try to avoid; do you know of a desktop program that works well? i tried the "export to html" function on my word processor (scrivener) and it output the most bloated nonsensical HTML imaginable (in my amateur opinion.)
ah, unfortunately I don't. I thought if they were originally posted on wordpress that they may be in markdown, in which case you can use pandoc; i don't know of anything from word processors -> html. sorry ):
you can export to "multimarkdown" with scrivener, then use pandoc to convert to html, or anything else that'd process the "multimarkdown" variant of markdown. pandoc html may be less bloated, but mileage may vary. panwriter looks like a reasonable enough application to use:
interesting! I never even thought of converting them straight from WordPress. I will look into all these option -- thank you both! this might end up being much easier than I expected (although i will still be using the opportunity to revise/edit many of the essays)
Working on a hand-made site that will replace the current Wordpress blog. I'll be uploading it here as a work-in-progress because why not!
HOLIDAY UPDATE 2024 -- reflecting on the year gone by, and preflecting on the year to come...
ooo, i have not seen that UCC blended coffee before... i have a sangaria can that sounds similar to the one you described, amusingly the brand name is "Quality Coffee", the kind of name that would be guaranteed cheap junk if it was an american product This is the Sangaria can. Seems to be separate from their main "Quality Coffee" series, and I never saw it in Japan. According to this page it has a coconut sub-flavour, which I definitely never noticed.
Hard to tell based on my destroyed post-COVID tastebuds, but I think the UCC Blend is quite a bit better than the Sangaria. Although I can't ignore the possibility that the can's colour/design is playing a major role in this judgment.
Also I'd like to take this opportunity to admit that it took me about four months of living in Japan before I realized that カフェオレ meant "Café au lait" and not the phrase I kept saying in my head: "Café, olé!"
new essay: HE WHO DOESN'T KNOW SAYS, 'LENTILS -- BALCKWELL ROUND-UP 2024 -- a "round-up" of unfinished fragments from throughout the year, with additional commentary
new essay: WHAT'S THE POINT OF LIKING MUSIC? -- about how one creates a "self" both online and in person
new story: FROM THE JOURNALS OF A MAN NAMED PAUL -- "I find that I must say it, despite not believing myself when I do: I still love you."
Behold: You Can (Not) Go Back -- August 18, 2022