QueenOfArms will return shortly!

2,758 updates
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Hey guys I'm peeking at neocities again. Anything happen while I was gone?
Finally wrote a status update on the site's development. Months can go by fast huh?
I got the blog layout figued out! 🥂
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Time to look at peoples sites. 🙂
Added a small about me. It includes an FAQ and a list of socials I'm on. Hopefully this'll be the last update in a while, I only really updated this now since I felt this was needed.
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Say hi to Gene everyone.
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Added another status update. Currently working on a post idea for my new site. As well as refining the script I mentioned in todays status.
queenofarms 6 months ago

To clarify by new site I'm reffering to the site I've been working on for a while. Not the current placeholder you're seeing right now.

Website Stats

Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedApr 26, 2020
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