Bluecore97's Corner

2,280 updates
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Awesome page!
Amazing website you have! Really gorgeous!
Cool arcade section! Had a blast destroying asteroids! Got a score of 2200! UBWU!
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This page looks interesting!
eastathenaeum 1 day ago

Interesting is what I was aiming for. I like the way your page is set up. You should definitely expand on it, and keep the black with sparkly blue.

sonicbluecore97 1 day ago

Thanks for the feedback on my page! I will figure out how else to do besides add on to my fictional project. Have you read it, by the way?

sonicbluecore97 1 day ago

*do the expanding

eastathenaeum 19 hours ago

I read over parts of it. It is very well formatted. The unique style with each character dialog having its own color and intent made it easy to follow. It needs more detail to really come alive, but how you're displaying it is spot on. I'll keep checking it out as you update.

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sonicbluecore97 18 hours ago

What details would you add?

eastathenaeum 18 hours ago

More details in surroundings. At least something to give a better idea of what it's like in the future, a mention of more specific items in the room maybe. It may be your intention to keep that short and left to imagination, in which case don't change anything. When you cut between scenes without describing much, it's very easy to imagine it happening in current or older times. I might also be missing points though.

Any thoughts on my project, 20035?
hi!! thanks for following my website!! :D
sonicbluecore97 1 week ago

Hello! You're welcome! It looks sweet!

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Feels so good to be back.

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Last updated 18 hours ago
CreatedMar 31, 2024
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