eep im so sorry i was busy!!! pokemon shield !!^_^ btw, violet looks veryvery pawesome, i hope u have fun!!! :333
Me and my partner use it and its pretty fun!!! imo its better than spotify wrapped and such if you want to look back at what you listened to
im sorry if i was confusing .. i meant the plugin with code to display on my site 🥹 dont worryy haha ive used last fm for years
No problem, thank you for the follow back!! I'm really happy to hear that, your site is sooo cute. (*´▽`*)
nothing special. i fixed broken links. i added 100s of pokemon backgrounds but cant find who the creator is anywhere
Oh thank you so much! Coincidentally, I've been completely revamping my homepage, but it's still going to be somewhat pink. I really like the illustrator behind my old header, especially since I'm kind of nostalgic for Angelic Pretty !