iris lyoko

2,889 updates
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iris lyoko was updated.
4 days ago
Website is still in progress buuuut I also really wanted to get the homepage up asap! Super excited for this new chapter on Neocities :')
iris lyoko was updated.
1 month ago
I uploaded a Youtube video !! -> It's about weird and wonderful PS1 games!! I'm planning on revamping/redesigning my website very soon too, which will showcase my videos more as I release them :) I am very excited
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marcika 10 months ago

loved it!!! also noticed ur url to neocities in ur yt description is instead of wanted to say something cuz i want ur yt subscribers to see ur awesome site!!

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Haven't come onto Neocities for ages :( Really hope I can update/revamp my website soon aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
reminder to anyone that i am on twitter at @iris_lyoko !! i want to connect with people !!
Wooo I wrote stuff on some weird and wonderful Japanese games! :D
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laytonloztew 1 year ago

I learned of Poinie's Poin from viewing your page, I played it myself and had a good time. I've also made achievements for it over on RetroAchievements. Thanks!

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iris lyoko was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
iris lyoko was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
iris lyoko was updated.
1 year ago

Website Stats

Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedJun 28, 2021
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art videogames nostalgia writing youtube