
689 updates
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your site is crazy cool
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mesoscale 1 day ago

thank you :)

This site is so unique!!! I love it!
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mesoscale was updated.
7 months ago
I love how your site is structured! And also the fun buttons
1 like
mesoscale was updated.
7 months ago
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mesoscale 7 months ago

GarbOS > Install snow

1 like
I dig what you got going on here, theres a fun and charm in the chaos-y look on your site! The little Morrowind Merchandise images made me laugh a little too loud, cheers for taking the time to check out my little page, too!
1 like
mesoscale 8 months ago

Thank you for the kind words! Your site definitely reminded me to actually get around to building garden boxes lol

1 like
woah, the site overhaul is looking fantastic so far! i really like the playlist thingie. hell yeah
1 like
mesoscale 8 months ago

Thank you! It can take a bit to get setup but the music player is webamp!

mesoscale was updated.
8 months ago
mesoscale 8 months ago

Overhaul time, some things may be broken for a sec, and there's still lots left to do

Thank you for the follow!! Your site looks awesome :D
1 like
hi! yours is one of the first personal sites I ever found. thanks for the follow!!
1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedSep 17, 2020
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weather internet music personal