Everwinter City

1,025 updates
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Thanks for your interest in our site! I see you're a fan of Moby Dick. One of my all-time favourites too. I bought a new paperback to reread and annotate last year but I think it will be a while before I have time for that. Your site looks great. Look forward to seeing it grow.
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ondine 1 week ago

Thank you :) I saw what you wrote about Moby-Dick. The Symphony was one of my favorite chapters as well.

1 like
readingproject 1 week ago

How did you find that? I removed links to the Favourite page a while ago.

ondine 6 days ago

Sorry, I can't find it anymore...

1 like
1 like
Hello, does this club focus on classic literature or just books in general?
maplebear 1 week ago

hi there! we do have a preference for classic literature, but we do include more contemporary books sometimes :) you can check what we read so far here:

otaking 1 week ago

Neocities is also a social media site. It's a bit special though I'll admit.

ondine 1 week ago

I agree. And at the end of the day, it can still be a time-sink like other social media, and the emphasis on “views” and “followers” can make it seem like a popularity contest.... But it seems like the lesser of two evils

Happy birthday, Rachmaninoff!!!!
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federiefederi 2 weeks ago

Hi, please consider supporting our neocities community project by giving us a follow... we're trying to help smaller sites gain more reach and your support would help a lot! thank you ❤

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedFeb 4, 2023
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languages piano books literature book