saint-images: Welcome to my homepage!

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I'm currently working on reworking my layout, found at (only index, thoughts and about me are ready so far). I'm trying to keep the same overall feeling, but tidier and cuter. I like it so far, but I want to know what do *you* think. Thank you.
mirages 3 years ago

very cute ! i like the color scheme, the creamy white background contrasts well with the pastel blue font ^_^

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lhfm 3 years ago

Looks good, have you thought about making it mobile friendly? Your design looks pretty easy to adapt. CSS @media queries aren't super hard to learn. (also, tuturu~)

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cinni 3 years ago

omg it so good&cute ;_; it's very pleasant to look at!

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saint-images 3 years ago

@lhfm - thank you! Perhaps you're right; while I don't think a lot of people browse neocities from phones, it's be a nice thing to have. I'll try.

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saint-images 3 years ago

@cinni - thank you so much!

zanarkand 3 years ago

i rly like how your header looks (: i love your furin png. perhaps you could position it fixed so it follows the screen when she scroll down/up? just a thought! i love the palette ☻♥

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saint-images 3 years ago

@zanarkand - the header is inspired by the button you made for me 🥺👉👈 I'll try the fixed furin proposition and see if it looks nice!

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rbuchanan 3 years ago

It's nice. It arrests the eye on which it's easy.

zanarkand 3 years ago

i dont like summer a lot, but those type of photos makes me love it a lot! i really love how blue it looks!

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floppys-lounge 3 years ago

awesome! I'm glad you got a film camera! That looks like a decent little camera & its size means you'll have it with you more often when a nice opportunity for a photo comes up. I only use film myself but my old SLR was too bulky to take with me, once I got a compact camera I take it with me all the time. Looking forward to your photos.

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saint-images 3 years ago

Thank you! My current main digital camera is actually very bulky, which is why I miss out on a lot of opportunities. As for the film, I found a few locations that sell and scan film, yet only one of them develops it, so I might have to learn to do it myself should they ever go out of business. Can't wait till it arrives!

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floppys-lounge 3 years ago

I just mail in my film to a lab since the local lab is pretty expensive.

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saint-images 3 years ago

Thank you so much! (/▽\)

thatwhitehand 3 years ago

Ooh, Moeka. I was more of a Faris guy myself, but I liked Kurisu a lot as well...

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saint-images 3 years ago

Moeka is an underrated character, IMO, and she gets too much undeserved hate from people who don't understand what kind of a character she is. As for Kurisu, it took me some time to realize that I grew to like her as well.

bmh 3 years ago

Blossom has been appearing on trees here too this week; it's always nice to see.

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The prototype for my first shrine is up! It will be extended with more content, but I'd like to know what does everyone think of the design so far.
nenko 3 years ago

It looks really nice, you've done a great job at recreating the feel of the game. ^_^

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mirages 3 years ago

really cool !

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CreatedFeb 27, 2021
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