
3,812 updates
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Hi. Been struggling with really bad depression recently so things have been a bit slow for the website, I'm really sorry. In other news -- I've never listened to a hip-hop album before, Chromakopia is really good though and you should listen to it. First music review in nine months, haha, I promise I'll get to it eventually.
Hi, the hurricane is gone and I am fine. I've been working on some ideas for a 3d landing page or whatever and it seems hella out of scope for me but I'm still trying it out. If it turns out well then it will be fucking cool.
I hope everyone in the hurricane path is staying safe. I myself am right in the fucking eye, as always, so I'll probably go dark for a few days up to a few weeks (god forbid).
encounters-ltd 5 months ago

hope all goes safely!!

Yesterday's pouting was just over Neocities' "nicer links" system breaking my webring for a bit. I sorted it out, and I guess I'll stay here, but the decision to move is still out there, and will probably someday be taken swiftly and without warning. Thank you to kitmeow for being the coolest person on this website. How the FUCK did you make those renders, they look so badass.
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hoylecake 6 months ago

I realize the gloaming over everyone's feed is probably getting a bit old so I'll try to stop talking and start updating my website again. I sort of base my entire self-esteem off the like counter on these posts, which I've been told by expert psychologists *isn't really something I should be doing*, but shit.

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kitmeow 6 months ago

[How the FUCK did you make those renders] erm,, tutorial soon B) stay safe!

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hoylecake 6 months ago

Yesss! I eagerly await your future tutorial.

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For your first website this is just AMAZ-EING!!! And beyond being your first, I think it is a stupendous display of your personality. The amount of fish on the aquarium scared me at first, but I have since learned to like them.
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ughbees 6 months ago

Omg! Tysm <3 I did go a little over board on the fish LOL

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There's a new landing page. Socials list will be back up somewhere else soon (if anyone ever actually looked at that).
HI!!!! hi!!!!! i love your website!!!
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snipchu 7 months ago

Thank you!!

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I love the colors!! Such a cozy palette !!=]

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedMay 25, 2020
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