2Bit - A website about 2bit stuff.

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This page has been coming soon for over two years.
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hosma 2 years ago

i have awful news

Im working very hard to get my gameboy camera connected to my old DOS pc, so I can transfer the pictures off, then Ill have an unlimited supply for you :D
2bit 8 years ago

Sweet! I've got a GB camera myself but I can't find the equipment needed to transfer pictures for sale

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melonking 8 years ago

I have seen some pictures of custom camera cart to usb adapters. But I went with this just need to get windows 98 on a hard drive and its good to go!

1034co 8 years ago

It's finally in colour this time!

2bit 8 years ago

but still in 2bit!

suyu 8 years ago

very cool page but how can 2bit have colors

joppiesaus 8 years ago

k so there are 2 bits of color information. The color information can represent any color, but it's limited to 2bit = 2^2 = 4 colors. So in this case, it's pink, green, black and white. It can also be black, dark grey, light grey and white. I'm not 100% sure if I'm correct but I thought this is how it worked.

2bit 8 years ago

@joppiesaus, That's correct. I'm going to have more pages that have different color palletes besides plain greyscale

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2bit 8 years ago

I've got Amazon ads now. Let's see how many pennies I earn.

melonking 8 years ago

Amazon wants me to buy a playstation 3...

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2bit 8 years ago

They let me choose what ads I could show so its my fualt :D

If I put a dating page on my site, would anyone actually want to use it? You might only find long distance relationships and any pictures of you would be in 2bit color (might be good for people who sort of want to hide their face)
2bit 8 years ago

This actually might be one of my dumbest ideas. I think this shows how desperate I'm getting

1034co 8 years ago

The gimmick of 2-bit greyscale images needs to stop.

2bit 8 years ago

I'm in too deep to change it now

byteau 8 years ago

pixels are hot

Is this real?
redrum 8 years ago

We need to prepare for the worst

maxcord 8 years ago

It's absolutely pathetic.

anthonynaber 8 years ago

Yes it's real..

kattyshot 8 years ago

yasss! totes 100 porcent realzies! uren't u happiez!!

anlucas 8 years ago

c r i n g e

kattyshot 8 years ago

c r i n g e i n h a p i n e ss!

I might need to turn my site into a dating site.

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMay 29, 2015
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90s gameboy retro pixels