Pokemon Booster Pack Simulator

1,122 updates
2 tips
Incredible, showstopping, beautiful in every way, no notes whatsoever. I sit here and open a pack like every day with rarity (asc) and watch the confetti go off when I open a zapdos. Love this so many.
This is a fun site! Love just clicking through old cards… Especially since I keep going “Hey I have that one” since I collected a lot as a kid lol. Good work overall! It’d be fun if the site had a checklist or something of the sort to keep track of which cards you’ve seen during that session or something!
pokemonboosterpack 11 months ago

Thank you so much. This has crossed my mind, even adding "achievements" to be saved across sessions in localstorage for finding all cards in a set, or opening a certain amount of packs, or other milestones. I do have a checklist for the GBC cards on the old version of the site in the meantime:

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This might be my favorite website on neocities. Absolutely stunning site. Good job, take a follow!
I love this website so much <3 All the appeal of opening booster packs without having to spend money <3 <3 The animations for the card transitions are insanely impressive too
pokemonboosterpack 1 year ago

Thank you for the kind words!

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pokemonboosterpack 3 years ago

Added button to hide duplicate cards in grid view, sort options on mobile and single pack view, sorting option for rares only..

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pokemonboosterpack 3 years ago

Card data reduced to 1/4 size --> faster loading

pokemonboosterpack 3 years ago

Shake your phone to go to the next card!

pokemonboosterpack 3 years ago

Update metadata. New domain name!

Website Stats

Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedFeb 15, 2019
Site Traffic Stats


90s tcg pokemon nintendo videogames