5,635 updates
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I love this website thank you, is there any more to it tho?
You still hate HTML and CSS?
I just want there to be a universal computer with a universal monitor AND universal browser with a universal width and universal height. But no, I have to account for so many things. I do not WANT THAT. I give up on perfection.
extremely-distant-molecule 4 years ago

-pressy of the Complain Club

extremely-distant-molecule 4 years ago

but also, unironically, i give up

jlehr 4 years ago

just do what i do and create a table 100% high and wide then center another table inside of it for your actual website that is compatible with all browsers/resolutions 1024x768 and up! Mine's actually 1280 and up as its 1200 wide but that's how I have attempted this for years. I kind of wanted to see your website since you followed me. Don't hold out on us!

1 like
do u have supporter perks forever after buying it once or que
1 like
extremely-distant-molecule 4 years ago

what i meant was whether if ur domain + unrestricted file type stayed. all the other fancy stuff i don't mind.

personally-comfy 4 years ago

the domain stays and unrestricted files you uploaded before it expired stay

happy december days and a merry january first
void of grass
1 like
dude chill out you're flooding my feed
hastiesthandiwork 5 years ago

grasvoid slutting it up as usual

extremely-distant-molecule 5 years ago

lol sorry. i mindlessly click follow on sites whose html i could potentially learn from.

1 like
Do you use flexboxs? I found they work pretty good!
1 like
extremely-distant-molecule 5 years ago

yeah i've tried using 'em once before lol. i couldn't get the hang of it. maybe i should try them out.


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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedAug 22, 2019
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