
974 updates
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ᓚᘏᗢ was updated.
3 days ago
your 3d renders are so beautiful! your cat is pretty awesome too ^^
Made a blog. The first post is going over some more stuff I've made in blender that while I was never 100% happy with, are important stepping stones in my learning journey.
ᓚᘏᗢ was updated.
2 weeks ago
I have returned :)
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vegacollective 5 days ago

The cat returns?

ᓚᘏᗢ was updated.
2 weeks ago
ᓚᘏᗢ was updated.
1 month ago
I am OBSESSED with your toybox! How did you make that???
cherished-cat 1 year ago

Thanks for the comment and sorry for the slow reply! I was looking for some simple drag and drop javascript with the intention of possibly making a dressup game (currently highly unlikely), found a tutorial and basically yoinked it, modified it to fit my needs and made the toybox as a test.

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cherished-cat 1 year ago

I don't remember what the site was or how I found it (in hindsight, I really should've kept that info and given credit) but if you want to do something similar you can google "javascript drag and drop" and there's several open source chunks of code out there!

1 like
nice layout!
aw heck yeah, another SL player ^_^ i've sent a fq on SL! a neocities group would be great... n_n
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cherished-cat 1 year ago

hey, I'm sorry but I didn't receive the friend request? It might be to do with my settings or something idk. what's your username so I can send you one?

bisuko 1 year ago

my user is tiger carnival on there (actual un yankibancho, not sure what shows up for you n_n)!

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedMay 25, 2020
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3d art