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daliwali 1 day ago

i saw chelsea wolfe live in 2013 and 2015, have unknown rooms on vinyl (Β΄ο½₯Ο‰ο½₯`)

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daliwali 4 days ago

i use arch btw. i like how merely installing it filters casuals. you can typically get away with no swap if you have enough memory. i also use limine bootloader for added autism.

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scarbyte 3 days ago

@daliwali idk if installing arch linux "filters casuals" when you can just type archinstall, which does the whole setup process for you lol

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daliwali 3 days ago

anyone who uses archinstall is a filthy casual

scarbyte 3 days ago

if you for some reason prefer OSes that are hard to install, maybe switch to using LFS then

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koyo 3 days ago

im pretty sure i could teach a cat to install arch

scarbyte 3 days ago

my cat uses arch btw

rbuchanan 2 days ago

I may have mentioned this upon my first perusal of your guide, but ArchWiki should prominently link to it. It's the probably the best tendentious guide that I've read for a Linux installation. You couldn't drag me away from FreeBSD with wild stallions, but if should I ever install Arch, I'll probably consult this exclusively.

omnipresence 1 day ago

I think the main problem with arch's own installation guide is that it's trying to be as system/setup inclusive and unopinionated as possible, meaning a lot of the instructions just hotlink to a table of possible things you *could* do instead of any recommendation - that's extremely daunting/annoying to users.

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cool stuff :)
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omnipresence 3 weeks ago

updated contact info

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koyo 3 weeks ago

dedicated larper

daliwali 3 weeks ago

it is bleak!!!

rbuchanan 3 weeks ago

Well, live'n'learn

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Woah new domain!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?111?!?!??1/1?!??!?!?!!!one!?!?!?!?????!!forwardslash!?!?!?!?!?/1/!!??!??!?!
rbuchanan 4 weeks ago

You've shot such a profusion of excellent photos! I want to eventually resume my own photography, but after prolonged utilization of three substandard cameras, I don't know what I should buy. Have you any suggestions?

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omnipresence 3 weeks ago

Most of these are taken with my phone camera 🫣 😭

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What's that small music player bar that some people have on the top/bottom of their webpage? Can somebody send me the library or whatever for it? I would like to add it to one of my pages, thanks <3
n-has-a-site 1 month ago

If I remeber correctly using the youtube links didnt work for me, I think i had to downlowd the songs or something

n-has-a-site 1 month ago

Not sure though

omnipresence 1 month ago

Youtube links seem to work for me, but the player is buggy from the typical new autoplay rules that makes everything a pain lol.

I like your PKM article :). Have you heard of trillium? It's what I personally use for my notes as it's a good balance of simplicity and customization, notes are saved/exported as html with whatever CSS you want but you create the notes with markdown-ey shortcuts (ie hitting ## to insert a header) to make actually writing notes quite fast. Also it's FOSS :D

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedJan 16, 2020
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