saint-images: Welcome to my homepage!

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lhfm 2 years ago

Your domain isn't working, and neocities redirects to it if I use your regular subdomain...

saint-images 2 years ago

Huh, weird, but thanks for the heads-up.

Thank you so much for following me, and for your kind words about my website. I hope to have the redesign finished within the coming weeks.
bmh 2 years ago

I'm sorry for your troubles.

turd 2 years ago

I'm sorry and I hope you and many others will be safe. during days and moments where you can only survive, I hold hope in my heart for you

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murid 2 years ago

At this time, your website is like a voice of reason in an ocean of propaganda. I hope that you stay safe and can get through this tough time.

arkmsworld 2 years ago

I was thinking about you today and hoping you were getting on okay with all the turmoil going on.

saint-images 2 years ago

Thank you everyone for your kind words. I'm glad that Neocities remains one of the few places where I'm welcome.

darek 2 years ago

I really hope the very best for you in these really scary times. Please stay safe and well!!!

saint-images 2 years ago

If you linked to anywhere, please change the links to

plasticdino 2 years ago

happy neocities birthday!!

arkmsworld 2 years ago

Happy anniversary. :) That Namecheap thing is a shit thing to do. Doesn't make any sense. :(

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arkmsworld 2 years ago

Pretty town. third pic down: University?

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zanarkand 2 years ago

happy site anniversary, saint. here's a humble gift for you: -- sad to hear your domain got cancelled; that sucks ass. hope you find an alternative and everything goes well

saint-images 2 years ago

@zanarkand whyYYY you're making me br,eak down here................. .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. thank yo u so so SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

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saint-images 2 years ago

@arkmsworld it's a rather poorly designed church.

murid 2 years ago

Happy site aniversary! Sorry to hear about the what you're going through. You're right that everywhere online has been flooded by aggressive propaganda from all sides. Let's keep this place as comfy and chill as we can.

arkmsworld 2 years ago

Sorry, I meant the 4th onewith the red brick buildings and park area/treeline on the right. That's what I get for trying to use numbers.

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arkmsworld 2 years ago

Yeah, now that one's beautiful. :)

Hello! Regarding my photo (!.jpg), It was shot on my Canon EOS ElanIIe. The film I used, if I remember correctly, was Kodak ColorPlus. I'll be providing a better scan of the photo!
saint-images 2 years ago

Thank you! The current scan is great; this combination of film and digital lo-fi is just the best. The view itself is spectacular too.

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darek 2 years ago

Yep haha, I wanted to keep my website with compressed JPEG scans of my prints just to add to that early-00s photographer website type style. Glad you like it! It's a sort of style that I cannot get enough of.

darek 2 years ago

Also, the park where I shot this is absolutely amazing, I can attest. If you ever on the off chance end up in Upstate New York, the park is called Thacher Park. Amazing views as far as the eye can see!

arkmsworld 2 years ago

Be kind to yourself and trust that things will move in the most beneficial direction possible. <3

not too sure what's going on in the world, but if i recall correctly you're somewhere in the middle of it, so i hope you're doing alright
saint-images 2 years ago

Thank you. Just to be clear, I am not in Ukraine. I live in the region of Russia that is bound to be the first one to be erased from the face of the earth in case of a major confict with the West. All the anti-war protests were violently stopped, including the ones in my city. This psycho cannot be stopped.

saint-images 2 years ago

People on the both sides of the fence are suffering (we are affected too, but Ukrainians are the ones experiencing true nightmares now).

saint-images 2 years ago

I cannot believe I even have to post this. I've refrained from making any strong political statements here on Neocities, but now's not the time to adhere to this principle. Crimes of the Russian government should never be forgiven.

saint-images 2 years ago

It hurts me even more that it's just impossible to explain the whole situation to the Western people who have never lived in Russia and barely know anything about it. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

lhfm 2 years ago

Stay strong!

wilton 2 years ago

Along with our tortured Ukrainian friends, my thoughts and prayers are also with all our neighbors in the East who will suffer from this insane war... Stay safe and stay strong <3

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arkmsworld 2 years ago

Damn. I wish for you to safely come through this.

brennholz 2 years ago

Millions of people in multiple countries who were just trying to live their lives have to pay the bitter price for the insanity of one man and his posse, and will continue to suffer long after the war ends. We can only hope that it ends quickly and without escalating any further than it already has. I'm praying for you and your loved ones.

saint-images 2 years ago

Dear people, thank you for your kind words. Ukrainians though suffer much more now. If you know any, I hope you can help them. I'm doing whatever I can too, not just with words. Sorry again.

wilton 2 years ago

well, I'd love to learn something about that

brennholz 2 years ago

I really like the picture of that workshop

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