
3,278 updates
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hey thanks for the follow!
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how do you rasterize your photos they look great
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doxylamine 11 months ago

thanks! i just edit in google photos. the pop/sharpen sliders create that effect bc my pics are closeups on book/dvd covers. so it exaggerates the halftone dots that are present on the physical artwork.

1 like
your site was the launching pad of a very satisfying surf of the web
xandra 12 months ago

thank you! i'm so glad you had an awesome surfing experience! :D

1 like
i like the computer vault idea a whole bunch. great site
angelsaremathematical 1 year ago

thanks! i really appreciate

angelsaremathematical 12 months ago

hey could you write me an email please? i want to ask you something. my address is on the main page of my website

this is a perfect webpage
geouniversal was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
geouniversal 1 year ago

you can use the WASD and direction arrows to control the view. Shift and W / S allow for fast forward / backward. wrokign on matching the viewframe to the container div, styling the points by group and then work on filling in the "cards" that will house the tools.

vlc gallery is great heh
1 like
geouniversal was updated.
1 year ago
geouniversal 1 year ago

using chat gpt to build the template i've always wanted without getting lost in the weeds. i feel like a project manager and the better i prompt my guy the better our work is.

this site is great. love it
nice, tanks

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedOct 27, 2015
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