
3,278 updates
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this is both beautiful and brilliant
wizardseekingwizard 2 years ago

wow thanks so much!!!

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geouniversal was updated.
2 years ago
geouniversal 2 years ago

got a better markdown to html thing going, so far the tag links don't lead anywhere, but they are there and they work that's this week's accomplishment

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geouniversal 2 years ago

.:. is a permalink kinda deal to the individual entry, that does work!

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geouniversal was updated.
2 years ago
thanks for contributing to the web!
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11fdriver 2 years ago

Thanks! You too

geouniversal was updated.
2 years ago
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geouniversal 2 years ago

found 3 of my ancient websites, 2004-2005ish. in about.html

i like that every picture in time has a vertical element to it. do you know the name of the peice you used for page of wands?
nykanen 2 years ago

Thanks! Unfortunately I lost the hard drive I had the original pictures on so I can't point you to the specific picture, but if you go to and search for Diana and browse the results, you can probably find it. I am quite sure it is supposed to depict Diana, the goddess of hunters.

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geouniversal 2 years ago

might never find it but I'm happy to search this stack forever! skimmin thru it seems like humans have always had a fascination with dragons

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nykanen 2 years ago

Yeah, it really gives an interesting perspective on what sort of imagination people had back then, and what sort of things were occupying it.

youtube figured how to gwt ads past my adblocker on my phone. I guess ita time to take a break from binge watching garbage till i find another mobile ad blocker for firefox
hypedcube 2 years ago

if you use android, I recommend, a YouTube (and PeerTube) client

pilssken 2 years ago

use newpipe or youtube vanced!

geouniversal 2 years ago

thanks everyone. newpipe seems sick, but i am sad i forgot how to use youtube without the algorithm! this will be good to start a new stream, i like the bancamp and download functions too.

geouniversal 2 years ago

havent tried youtube vanc3d yet, will try it next

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedOct 27, 2015
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