
3,278 updates
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thanks for the follow! great site, will be back to read more!
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vm70 3 months ago

Same with you and your site! Your ham radio and SDR pages are super inspiring.

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geouniversal 3 months ago

cheers! happy to find another radio nerd : )

1 like
your site is an inspiration to my original motives for getting into making sites. i appreciate how much you have to share yet are so concise
eastathenaeum 3 months ago

Thank you. I plan on having more as soon as life can get out of the way. Lol

1 like
i really like what you're doing. oo just found your bandcamp, dreamy. also thank you for introducing me to asciicker, it's beautiful
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thanks for the follow@!!
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i love the unicorns, this is awesome. thanks for the follow as well.
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theunicorns 5 months ago

Hell yeah bro. i'm also running an instagram acct where i'm posting all the shit i've collected from each show 20 years to the day. I'm at ebb_tide_azure_rewind if ur interested. Nick follows, so trying to work some magic before 2025 (jk) (unless...)

theunicorns 5 months ago

btw sorry if calling u bro was presumptuous. i dunno why i did that. someone called me bro yesterday and ive been saying it a bunch since then

geouniversal 5 months ago

i get stuck on dude or man all the time. i don't use instagram! this and youtube are my only social fixes. i don't even remember when i first heard the unicorns, i'ma guess 2004 or 2005. i for some reason assumed they only had the who will cut our hair album, i don't know why i never looked deeper into these guys : /

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theunicorns 5 months ago

Youre doing it right. Socials are horrible, i just made the ig for this project. And hey tbf you have to dive woefully deep to find much, especially these days. I'm hoping that making this site will help with some of the accessibility issues, since right now you pretty much have to beg other fans to share their mp3s with you like some kind of sad oliver twist.

geouniversal 5 months ago

add aspaceman on soulseek, all my mp3s are there!

1 like
theunicorns 5 months ago

Yes! One day, when I have my own computer and I create a soulseek, I will add you. Sadly for now I'm limited to a mobile phone existence & borrowing my partner's laptop occasionally for this project. And thus we are two ships passing in the site (website)

1 like
i like toad
geouniversal 6 months ago

and bacteria science too. this is good

thanks for the follow, also dont eat that
thanks! i like your vector graphics GIFs
1 like
trust yerr guts
letslearntogether 6 months ago

the wisdom of the Enteric Nervous System

1 like
thanks for the follow and hope you're covid went smoothly
1 like
eloipodio 7 months ago

Thank you for the comment and follow back! I'm mostly through it now! Your site's style rocks!!

1 like

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedOct 27, 2015
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cyberresidence projects universe radio coding