Thank you so much!! It makes me really happy that you like it (I had so much fun making it lol) I'm more than happy to help out if you need it, I can't wait to see more form your site!! :-)
I finally bit the bullet and updated the button wall (something I have been putting off for MONTHS lol), please let me know if I missed your site!!
also, me looking back at everyone's sites doing this reminded me of much unique and creative every site is!! I love neocities so much, and I love being able to situate myself with such cool and creative people :-)
ooh I'm gonna look through these sites.. it really is amazing how each site is its own personal art project basically.. also this reminds me I need to make a button but idk how lol
Way back when, I said I was working on some stuff and this is it. I present to you: the MOGA (Museum of Gooser Art) lol
Oh my gosh, your art is lovely! What mediums do you use? I believe I see some watercolor in a few!
@saltedslug thank you!! :-) I forgot how fun it was to code. It makes me wanna add more stuff lol
@mrszenigata thank you so much!! You're right about the watercolour, it's my favourite medium to use :-) I also use pencil and ink too, and I've started to get into digital as well
@ghostscape thank you!! I may or may not change up the site a bit more so stay tuned lol
also,, thank you for that cool collection of essays!! i've been looking for some for a while so i'm very excited to look though them!!
thank you! that's absolutley the goal with the minimal desgin so totally makes sense. I really love the retro style designs on yours
no problem! I know how weird neocities is with messages whatnot lol. I really do wish you all the best in the future! and if you need it i'm always free to chat :-)
I've got a couple cool things that I wanna add on my site, so hopefully I can get them done in time!! :-)
fixed up and updated my book log, I didn't have too much time to properly fix it last time and I wanted to quickly show friend the behind-the-scenes of making my site lol