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i love the unicorns, this is awesome. thanks for the follow as well.
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theunicorns 1 year ago

Hell yeah bro. i'm also running an instagram acct where i'm posting all the shit i've collected from each show 20 years to the day. I'm at ebb_tide_azure_rewind if ur interested. Nick follows, so trying to work some magic before 2025 (jk) (unless...)

theunicorns 1 year ago

btw sorry if calling u bro was presumptuous. i dunno why i did that. someone called me bro yesterday and ive been saying it a bunch since then

geouniversal 1 year ago

i get stuck on dude or man all the time. i don't use instagram! this and youtube are my only social fixes. i don't even remember when i first heard the unicorns, i'ma guess 2004 or 2005. i for some reason assumed they only had the who will cut our hair album, i don't know why i never looked deeper into these guys : /

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theunicorns 1 year ago

Youre doing it right. Socials are horrible, i just made the ig for this project. And hey tbf you have to dive woefully deep to find much, especially these days. I'm hoping that making this site will help with some of the accessibility issues, since right now you pretty much have to beg other fans to share their mp3s with you like some kind of sad oliver twist.

geouniversal 1 year ago

add aspaceman on soulseek, all my mp3s are there!

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theunicorns 1 year ago

Yes! One day, when I have my own computer and I create a soulseek, I will add you. Sadly for now I'm limited to a mobile phone existence & borrowing my partner's laptop occasionally for this project. And thus we are two ships passing in the site (website)

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what a cool site! it looks amazing!!!
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theunicorns 1 year ago

Thank you! I like ur comix

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omg how did you make the galleries page? it looks so cool
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theunicorns 1 year ago

Thank you! Im on mobile rn and i dont remember fully how i set it up, but basically i started by creating the full image, then i painted the shadows darker, and set the image as the background in a div with a static height, width, and position.. I decided not to make it responsive because even though im sure theres a way, im a beginner and it made my brain hurt to think about it. Oh shit theres a character limit on

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theunicorns 1 year ago

Part TWO!! then i saved the rooms with lighting and labels seperatly on transparent pngs. I created more divs inside the main house div, which overlapped each room, and i made each of those divs into a link. Then i put the room pngs inside them with absolute positioning, and lined it up as best i could. Then, i set the images to display: none, then set a:hover img to display:block.

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theunicorns 1 year ago

Part THREE (FINAL) !!! the pngs overlapped the links, so i had to also adjust the z index to put them behind my invisible div links. And finally, i didnt know about setting the overflow to hidden, so there are various spacing issues which i tried to cover up with grass images. Voila! Hacky as fuck but totally cool, right?? Love ur site too btw!!

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popisbubbles 1 year ago

thank you so much for the detailed response, i think that's a pretty smart way of doing it and the outcome is really nice!! it's inspiring me to add other stuff with that system to my page haha

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popisbubbles 1 year ago

i was also wondering if you made the house in 3D or if it's a photo collage?

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theunicorns 1 year ago

Ah, just collage. I used some elements from across the web, painted on it, and used stable diffusion (don't kill me)

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedDec 22, 2023
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music prophesy theunicorns fansite magic