MatchaPrika Club

9,864 updates
0 tips
Juts to inform everybody : I'm deleting most of the updates on profile to avoid having 500 pages. I keep the ones where there's comments or that I like as points to remember from where I come in coding and seeing my different steps during that numerical journey. There's an RSS feed or the Actu'Archive for actual useful news :-)
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fabulous website !!!
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Thank you vey much for following me ! I've visited your site and I wanted to tell you there's display errors when there's apostrophes in words. Or is it a voluntary style effect ?
ongrad 2 weeks ago

What the heck I didn't know it was doing that

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mostlypixels 3 weeks ago

Bonnes vacances :)

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matchaprika 3 weeks ago

déjà quasiment finies malheureusement, je m'occupe du nettoyage du blog avant de reprendre complètement

Wonderful landing page !!
Je viens (ENFIN !) de mettre un feed RSS sur mon site web ! Vous aurez donc désormais la liberté de recevoir les infos directement dans votre feed sans devoir passer sur le site ! C'est dans les boutons à gauche sur la page d'accueil, ce sera implémenté en footer plus tard peut-être.
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Website Stats

Last updated 1 hour ago
CreatedApr 9, 2023
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