Suzanne's Electronic Fun Yard

644 updates
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it's like the bottom of a swimming pool.
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what a good start that is!
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I so like the glow worms!
What more sillly images do you think will make the main page look good?
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ninjacoder58 5 years ago

As long as it doesn't slow your pagespeed.

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empeethree 5 years ago

page speed I want to keep at a reasonable rate. I have other silly images I might want to showcase, and, some of them have musician Suzanne Vega in them. The mother of the MP3 deserves respect from those who embed MP3 files to webpages for audio.

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Welcome to Neocities. Hope you enjoy your visit here.
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those web toys were awesome!
July 11th is also the birthday of singer/songwriter Suzanne Vega.
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nostalgia here
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I plan to also decorate the page with a few silly images.
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Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 8, 2018
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humor fun supermodels awesome internet