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hey, months ago you wrote me that maybe we could talk on email, and it might be an idea. im trying to push myself to get on and communicate again but struggling. therapy finally started helping a little tho which is why im writing this XD you can email me at my junk email "neojurazzik at yahoo dot com" and i'll reply from my actual email after that. if you feel like it ofc!
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era-of-antares 1 week ago

That's great!! I'll drop you a line here shortly, perfect timing because I'm really depressed ATM, and need more people to talk to, lmao. Things are just not great on my end....but I am happy & relieved to hear therapy is finally starting to work for you!! And I'll be happy to talk to you again!!! ^.^

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era-of-antares 1 week ago

Just now emailed you! ^.^

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@ anyone who might be reading. my life is just really bad as things are. im not doing okay. i am in therapy but it doesnt really change anything, i have meds but it doesnt change anything. its not a "life is how you look at it" or "take these pills and relax" type of issue. i wish it was. i cant find any solution to my problems. ive tried very diligently to do that for a long time.
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ju1ia 1 month ago

i struggle with finding a will to keep going when life is that hard and everything i think of that might help me improve my situation is rejected or fails. having friends would also be good, but i cant even manage enough energy to talk to you guys and just cry alone instead. i dont write this because i want to make anyone worry but i have to be honest somewhere. im trying to fix things but not succeeding.

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ju1ia 1 month ago

i feel so alone in the world. there are only a couple people who can really understand anything about it. feeling this alone is really painful. to feel like you're living on an alien planet with alien systems for alien people and everything is so irrational and stupid. but then, even when i find another person who is rational and does understand, there are chains on me draining me so much that i cant even talk.

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ju1ia 1 month ago

im really sorry to everyone that i stopped talking to. im really sorry for being like this. i just cant handle life with this much pain and loneliness. all the normies' solutions dont mean anything to me and cant help me. i dont know what to do.

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era-of-antares 1 month ago

I am so so sorry. I wish I could actually do something to help, but I'm just as helpless.......and yeah, that's the very reason I don't seek therapy, heck where I live they just apply religion to all of it and tell you that that's what'll help you. It's just ridiculous. Again, I wish I could help. Many blessings to you and I do hope that something good does happen to you that gets you out of this, you deserve it.

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hi michi. i dont know if this will matter or not but i think i should write it anyway for the chance that it does matter. im sorry i didnt write to you when i tried to get back online last time and im sorry that i stopped talking to you (and everyone) in the first place. when i tried to come back, i thought theres no point to write you some small message, so i should just gather up energy to ask you if you still -
ju1ia 1 month ago

- wanted to talk at all, or if youd rather not, and then go from there. but i didnt get that energy and now ive gone away again bc life is too much for me. so i just want to tell you sorry for those things and that you do matter to me and that wasnt why i didnt write you. but, now it doesnt really matter bc i cant be online now either.

ju1ia 1 month ago

and its okay if you dont feel like talking to me anymore anyway. just wanted to be clear and apologise. i hope things go well for you.

hey kyle. im just gonna write a message here because i dont have enough energy in me to communicate more. im sorry ive went away again. i do care about you im just having a really, really bad time in life and cant handle it. im sorry. i wish i could be different and that life stopped being so hard, so i could talk to you more because its really fun when i feel okay. everything is just too hard right now. im sorry.
Heya. Hope all is still well for you, and I hope things are working out. *Hugs*
ju1ia 1 month ago

hey. im just doing really bad sadly and cant handle being online still. but thank you for thinking about me and i wish life wasnt hell so i could talk

era-of-antares 1 month ago

Oh, no. I am so sorry. T.T; Yeah, life isn't great for me either right now.... Seems like everyone is having a tough time ATM. I hope we can talk again before too long, but I understand & respect the need to take time to oneself, I go through that often myself. I hope that life gets better for you before long. -Hugs again-

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Hey, hope you're doing okay. *Hug* ^^
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ju1ia 5 months ago

sry for the slow reply, i am okayish just taking things very slow not to get overwhelmed. theres a lot going on irl that i have to cope with and appointments to go to so i dont end up having energy to stay online much x_X hope youre okay too!

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era-of-antares 5 months ago

I hear you, life has gotten pretty hectic for me too. "Hectic" is not a strong enough word.... Too nice a word too, really.... I'll tell you later. But NP on taking things slow, I'm the exact same way. Just wanted to check in. ^_^ I was wondering if we could talk through email, if you're comfortable with that? I could post my address here real quick & you can email me whenever. Totally cool either way!

hi everyone. it's been almost a year since i "disappeared", aka went through some traumatic things and got too overwhelmed and disconnected myself from everything and everyone. im sorry to my friends that i made you feel worried or hurt because i didnt tell you what happened. i know it wasn't fair, but i was too messed up to do better. i'm going to try to slowly make my way back online here now.
ju1ia 6 months ago

i'm a bit scared to go on discord or other sites so while ofc i don't mind if anyone writes me stuff, i still need some time to get myself used to being in these spaces again and i cant promise i will reply to anyone quickly anywhere. it's also okay if anyone reading this feels that they were hurt by me leaving and don't want to talk to me anymore, i understand that too. sending virtual hugs to everyone.

yupthatsme 6 months ago

Welcome back!

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era-of-antares 5 months ago

Hey!! Good to see you!!! 2023 was a terrible year for everyone, it seemed. I'm so sorry, and I hope everything is at least bearable now. I hope we can get caught up soon, I'm still on SpaceHey and still have you added when and if you feel comfortable talking there. ^_^ And no worries, I'm not mad at you, stuff happens yo.

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I miss talking to you so much. Your the best and only true friend I've made in my short existence. Those 3 months of our friendship was magical, I enjoyed making comics, learning things and sharing common interests with somebody who I had a lot in common with. You were one of the greatest people I met and I really hope you return, I really miss talking to you and making things.
ju1ia 6 months ago

hey kyle. i'm sorry for going away for so long. i saw the notification for this comment and i felt i really have to read it. i cant write too much in here but thank you for reminding me that you're my friend and that you're not angry that i "disappeared". i will try to come back and talk more soon. i miss you too. i had some really bad times irl and im sorry i disconnected myself from you and others for this long :(

redretrotriangle 6 months ago

I'm so sorry to hear bad stuff happened and you had a bad year, I haven't really had a good year either. You only deserve good things! And of course im not angry im really really really happy to see your message! Tell me if there is anyway I can help! There is so much I want to share and show you >_< Ive also made a lot of games with different game engines that you might like so I can show you too! Thank you for

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redretrotriangle 6 months ago

replying it makes me really happy! I hope the best for you and only good things come towards your way.

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I miss you!! *Hugs* I hope you're doing okay. I got loooots to tell you and show you when you get back.... Also, I love the updates to your page!! Your artwork is incredible. :D
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ju1ia 6 months ago

i know im 8 months or so late on this, but thanks for the message and im sorry i went away like that. i went through some bad things and got really overwhelmed with depression and disconnected myself from everyone. thank you for thinking about me and i hope you're doing okay (and that you see this, but i'll try to get on everywhere else slowly. just step by step for now.)

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era-of-antares 5 months ago

I just now saw this, emails didn't notify me for some reason, but either way. No need to apologize, I respect it when people need to take time to themselves. I'm just sorry that in your case it was for such a negative reason, I just hope nothing too severe happened. Take your time, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just happy and relieved that you're back. :D *Hugs*

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ju1ia 5 months ago

thank you :') <333

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era-of-antares 5 months ago

Np. ^_~ *Hug!*

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