1,831 updates
0 tips
i saw your yumeship on pmaction and thought it was super cute, it's so cool that you have a neocities! love your site!! ^^
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keepinhellsgates 1 month ago

OMG THANK YOU YOUR SITES SUPER COOL TOO!!! I also saw your yume with pjmaction and it's SUPER cute!!! I really love finding other PM fans, especially when they are also yumejoshi!! <3

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✧ARES✧ was updated.
1 month ago
hellstarares 1 month ago

i return months later to update heath shrine and vanish

1 like
hai, can you update my sitebutton to please :3
1 like
hellstarares 1 month ago

i'm very late, sorry- updated! o7

congrats on 100 followers! :D i love your site so so much!
1 like
hellstarares 3 months ago

thank you sm!! that really means a lot to me aaa :,))

1 like
thanks a million for adding my button to your site, i didnt notice until now. yours is on mine now as well!
hellstarares 3 months ago

of course, tysm! love your site btw!! :)

1 like
1 like
Hi!!! I just wrote a message and it messed up and disappeared lol. So time for a new one! I hope to be friends with you sometime you seem cool af but I also just added you on Limbus I hope that's fine!!! I just came back on here to fix my site cause stuff broke on it lol but I hope to make a cool site like yours!!! :3
hellstarares 3 months ago

ahhh thank you so much!!! that'd be so nice i was really excited when i found a limbus page on the s/i webring :D also your site already IS really cool dont sell yourself short!!

ANOTHER LIMBUS FAN POG??? i need to get back into it im still stuck on spicebush dongbaek. shes kicking my ass
1 like
hellstarares 4 months ago

HELL YEAH!! good luck with the boss, my limbus code is R125055272 if you need to borrow my heathcliffs :D (really cool site btw!)

1 like
controlcoreangel 4 months ago

opening my limbus for the first time in 895693858 years just to friend u. i have a limbus stamp btw here u go

1 like
✧ARES✧ was updated.
7 months ago
diluculo 7 months ago


1 like
GGAWWDDD thanks for the follow ur site is fuckin AWESOME
hellstarares 7 months ago

TYSM!! your site is super cool i really love your style :)) i added ur button!

1 like
Hey! Thanks for the follow!
1 like
hellstarares 7 months ago

ty as well!! :)

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedDec 6, 2022
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