Suzanne's Electronic Fun Yard

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I like to run this test to know if i am getting mobile coverage:
empeethree 4 years ago

well, neocities pages are readable on mobile devices.

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empeethree 4 years ago

well, that page tells us that your page is mobile friendly.

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ninjacoder58 4 years ago

I had to scale down a table on a page to pass the test

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empeethree 4 years ago

as an occasional mobile user, I'm just happy if the page is even viewable at all. I mastered the art of pinch zooing on pages designed for desktop users.

ninjacoder58 4 years ago

Google dev did a survey and users find pinch zooming to much work...LOL

ninjacoder58 4 years ago

Often times users want it yesterday and they want it free but we try to make our sites "user friendly" as we can.

empeethree 4 years ago

Maybe what I could do, is make a simplified welcome page, and have that be mobile friendly, and have this current SEFY home page be a page to click on a link to in the welcome page.

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there's some hype for a Madonna Madame X album coming out, and to find a Neocities user with madame (ending in extra e after) in the username kinda reminded me of that.
I like what you've done with the place. It's taking shape! P.S. I had no idea it was originally acapella. Thanks for introducing me to it.
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empeethree 4 years ago

well, if somebody with a username that pays homage to 7 Eleven is gonna comment to somebody who's username pays homage to the MP3 file format, you know that is a reminder that singer/songwriter Suzanne Vega was born on FREE SLURPEE DAY! She's gonna turn 60 this year, so don't forget to celebrate.

this is interesting. The choice of colors to represent tribes kinda reminds me of Populous: The Beginning by Bullfrog.
I so need to start a subreddit about this SEFY community.
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I like being able to decoarte pages with GIFs and images.
ninjacoder58 4 years ago

I created a image folder and link to it, you can fill up your page with images without the loss of your load speed.

thanks for following
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empeethree 4 years ago

yeah! Neocities has offered me some paradise on the Intertnet.

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Thank you so much for sharing my page on Reddit. I love that subreddit! Do you mind sharing the link?
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empeethree 4 years ago

I'll share almost any links as long as it benefits


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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 8, 2018
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