~S u p e r N o v a~

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Summer is almost here! I'm sorry I've been so busy and honestly unmotivated to code lately. Finals week is here, and I've had barely any freetime to do stuff like this. But, since its almost summer break, I'm gonna have a lot more freetime, which probably means I'm gonna get back to coding more! I'm already starting to actually get some ideas for the site, and I'm very excited. Sooooo get ready for updates :D
supernxva 1 year ago

Also btw, I plan on doing something for the sites one year anniversary on the 30th this month! I don't actually know what i'm gonna do or make yet, but just know I'll find a fun idea somewhere in my 2 braincells :')

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supernxva 2 years ago

I added a bit more art! I've had pretty bad art block lately, so I decided to draw some fanart to help me feel a bit more motivated. It really helped, so I plan on drawing more soon :D

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Hello all!! Im finally back! I just finished midterms week, and I actually have a bit of motivation to do stuff now :D
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misswannabe 2 years ago

Yaaayyy, welcome back!! ^^

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supernxva 2 years ago

Added more art again!! So sorry I haven't been updating the site much. I've been really busy lately, and my motivation to code is only just starting to come back. I kinda wanna work on projects to use over on toyhouse though, and to do that I want to learn bootstrap first, which is probably gonna take a while :')

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misswannabe 2 years ago

It's okay!! People can't have time for everything constantly!! It's okay to be busy!! I personally completely understand that!! :D

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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedJun 30, 2022
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