Mental Labour

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pnnamerica 1 year ago

I tried to read some of those types of books but most of the time they use self invented words that are more gobbledygook than anything. Some stuff is great. You ever read The Alchemist? It is very simplistic and a quick read. It is my favorite book. Really hits at the meaning of life.

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mental-labour 1 year ago

i haven't read it but i'm familiar with it because a favorite artist of mine, Moebius, did some illustrations for an illustrated edition that i recommend checkin' out if you like the book

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mental-labour 1 year ago

having spent a lot of time reading philosophy and different philosophers if i had to start from the absolute beginning all over again the two works i would recommend are A.C. Grayling's The History of Philosophy as a survey of the whole and Philip Wheelwright's translation and commentary on the fragments of Heraclitus for understanding the thought of a particular philosopher, which I have my notes for on my website

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mental-labour 1 year ago you can find the second book for free here and you can probably cop the first on Library Genesis for free

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mental-labour 1 year ago

i recommend A.C. Grayling's book because if you read that you'll come away with a pretty good idea of which philosophers you might be interested in reading more of and which you aren't, although IMO his sections on Hegel and Marx leave a bit to be desired, the rest is solid stuff though

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pnnamerica 1 year ago

Ill make a list and check them out.

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pnnamerica 1 year ago

There was a thread today on 4chan about Heraclitus, was that you?

mental-labour 1 year ago

nah, i will very occasionally browse /lit/ when i want to burn time but i try not to browse 4chan too much because i think it rot my brain when i was younger lol, BUT the stickies and wikis that some boards have are exceptionally useful, shoutout to the /lit/, /v/, and /tg/ wikis

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mental-labour 1 year ago

i think my general history/abandonment of 4chan is something i might actually make a blog post about eventually now that you mention it, i used to be a frequent/daily user when i was about 17-19 at some of the worst points in my life and it did not help at all lmao

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mental-labour 1 year ago

i don't want to place the blame for being a really shitty person at the time squarely on 4chan though, there was a lot of other really unhealthy things i was doing at the time like browsing gore/shock websites, that combined with daily 4chan browsing turned me into a bitter, cynical, hateful person that i do not look back on fondly

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mental-labour 1 year ago

there's a lot of things you can do on the internet that can amplify your worst qualities but i like neocities because it always makes me feel at my best

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