i am so sorry, i've been there with sharing dorms. all i can offer advice wise is maybe keep as many windows open as possible? or maybe be like, someone past me in the hall and said there's a weird smell coming from our dorm? hope it all works out!!
about page is a wip... i actually have an organic chem exam to study for but chose short term happiness instead
I sometimes forget that I have over 200 followers which is relatively well known by neocities standards. Iโll miss when I didnโt have to worry much about thing like this
I'm so sorry you have to deal with that
people see "anonymous" and think they have the right to write whatever they want. disgusting
I had to do the same thing after someone kept posting slurs in my guestbook. Weirdly enough atabook has a premade word blacklist that I assumed was automatically enabled, but I later found out I had to mess around with it in the settings. I hope reviewing messages deters people from sending weird stuff.