...and particularly prescient considering the connections between Peter Thiel, J.D. Vance, Curtis Yarvin, et al.
The "fourth industrial revolution", "social impact investing", and "effective accelerationism" are being used to rationalize the creation of "network states" filled with "smart cities" as a form of "technofeudalism"/"IT-backed authoritarianism"/a dystopian "technocracy".
Meanwhile, "conservatives" (through "Project 2025") and "neo-nazis" (through "The Great Replacement" ideology) are being treated as the "useful idiots" for bringing that plan to fruition within the U.S...a "world in chains" scenario shortly thereafter.
yeah, i deeply despise living in the timeline where the NYT is interviewing moldbug on the trajectory of statesia. The depressing part being not that they are interviewing him, but that they are right to do so. As for those concepts being used as rationalisation, i don't think they are. Lying about what you're doing is different from rationalising it...
and i doubt many of the critters in question are coherent enough to actually have values in any meaningful sense. They're not being duped into cooperating with the technocapital singularity, they're profiting myopically and they do not have any non-myopic goals to be betrayed.
As for the neo-nazis, i don't think they deserve quotation marks. They are what they are and so they too may get their temporary boons. Sure, they'll be disenfranchisedand in time shredded, but fascism has always been a death-cult and as benjamin astutely noted, they aren't being tricked by aestetics, *the aesthetics is all they care about*.
The outer-right trifecta, if things go by Land's design will doom the rest of us *before* they start tearing out each other's throats, though pythia will not care about the order in which her blood-sacrifice was spilled. Dreadful. The degree to which these freaks fascinate me is not worth the pains of living in a world in which they are worth writing about. Such worlds are fragile.
But thanks! information's important to not be caught off-guard and lose battles that mustn't be lost. Run fast, bite hard, save what needs saving and kill what tries to kill you
Beginning to regret this. Can't even make a few pages worth of very normal, commonsensical claims without people calling it "a monument to autism" for some reason
No regrets! It is good to have a clear understanding of the nuances of communication.