the bay

662 updates
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the bay was updated.
2 months ago
1 like
What a unique site! Love it, looking forward to seeing how it grows.
Thanks for the follow, really love the perspective you have going on!
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strayland 2 months ago

thank YOU for the follow, I love your UI you really nailed it

the bay was updated.
2 months ago
1 like
got an actual art page and journal page up a week later than i wanted but... in my defense... got sick *facepalms* *dies
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pumpkin-ninja 2 months ago

Get well soon !

1 like
IT'S BEEN A MONTH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! anyway please excuse me if you catch me uopdating four hundred times
You're the first person I've ever seen to use babylon.js! You inspire me to actually learn it for sure. Love your site, can't wait for more.
1 like
strayland 2 months ago

meant to respond to this a lot earlier Lol but I wanted to say that you've got such a strong artistic sense that I'd looove to see what you'd do with babylon!! I'm flattered that you like my site as well your stuff is so cool

1 like
your site is really fucking awesome (โŠ™ โŠ™)
1 like
strayland 4 months ago

THANK Youuuuu i think your site is awesome, esp the size variations between the sections it's easy to understand the layout and where to find stuff while still being super fun

1 like
goooby 4 months ago

thank you so much!!!

This is, legitimately, the most aesthetically pleasing site I've found so far. You're an artist mate keep it up!
1 like
strayland 4 months ago

*explodes* thank you so much that means a lot.. I love the use of super rounded corners on your site, with the use of small sharp checkerboard patterns it feels well balanced :^)

1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedJul 28, 2023
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