563 updates
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thank you for the comment widget! i hope you have a good day today
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thank you for your guestbook code!! it was so easy to get set up :] i hope you're doing ok, i know from experience how rough burnout/plurality/trauma related things can be<3
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thank you for all your hard work on the comment-widget! its been a great way to replace 123guestbook since that's shutting down soon <3
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Hey i try to click your site, i can go to your profile, but my laptop just wont let me go on and its not an internet issue because it lets me enter literally every other website but this one, Why is that?
I love your site!! I added your button my own site, I hope that's okay ! :]
virtualobserver 5 months ago

just updated the notice at the top with a date to be more clear on when "recently" is/was and clarified i don't actually know a whole lot about the security policy update -ayano

solradguy 5 months ago

It looks like this code still works on my site and I'm a free account, so maybe that at least narrows it down to accounts made around July 2022 not being affected by the security change..? Wish they'd elaborate on this change officially somewhere... I really like this guestbook code lol

virtualobserver 5 months ago

hey, really important update at the top of the page. sorry about this, there's nothing i can do. it stinks but oh well i guess -ayano

lostletters 5 months ago

Do you know how new the account must be for this to impact non-supporters?

virtualobserver 5 months ago

i'm kind of unsure, i can't find the exact date this change was put in place. seems to be around a month ago?

icoshrine 5 months ago

For a few days after you posted this, I thought I was in the clear, because all my comments were still functioning as intended. Starting today, I can't see them on any device and I didn't touch the code. I made this site nearly half a year ago, so I think the definition of 'new account' spreads pretty far, up to Fall of 2023.

virtualobserver 5 months ago

thanks for letting me know - i wonder if accounts are getting retroactively hit too...? it's hard to tell, i had to dig to find any information about this change at all

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scifipony 5 months ago

To help in trying to narrow down the timeframe for affected accounts, I just checked my site and my comments are still working. My account was created June 2023.

Thanks a lot for your commenting system, it's very great!
1 like
virtualobserver 8 months ago

i updated my journal to have per-entry comment sections (you can comment now!!) and there's been an important update to the comment widget distribution page, check it out :] -kiki

lostletters 8 months ago

thanks for the update on the comment widget. the improvement is really noticeable.

1 like
virtualobserver 8 months ago

shh ignore the frames.html thing shhh i'm just goofing around and wanted to show my friends (btw thank u lostletters glad it helped LOL)

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedJul 24, 2022
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